COMP4300 - Game Programming - Lecture 19 - Advanced Game Main Loops

Показать описание
00:00 - Intro
00:51 - Simple Program Main Loops
06:36 - Game Main Loops
10:10 - Game Loop Speed / FPS
17:21 - Setting a Fixed FPS
26:25 - Quick Notes
29:18 - Simulation Time Scaling
41:14 - How Rendering Fits
42:11 - Variable Fixed Updates
43:14 - Burger Analogy
50:43 - Decoupling Rendering
57:17 - Game Speed + Collision Issue
1:00:15 - Multiple Game Updates

Memorial University - Computer Science 4300 - Fall 2024
Intro to Game Programming

This is a course for students interested in learning the fundamentals of game programming and game engine architecture. Topics include an introduction to: vector math for games, rendering, animation, and artificial intelligence, collision detection, game physics, and user-interfaces. Students will be writing fully functional games using an ECS (Entities, Components, Systems) architecture, using the C++ programming language and the SFML graphics library.

Course Assignments / Files will not be released publicly
Рекомендации по теме

Why not using CCD to avoid missing collision tests?
