Is Eidolon Hunting DEAD?!

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0:00 - Introduction
1:07 - What's Happened to Arcane Prices?
1:30 - What Does It All Mean?
3:49 - Conclusion About the New Event
4:10 - Arcane Dissolution
7:18 - Overall Conclusion

Music from Epidemic Sound:
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Unless the eidolons can offer more stuff other than a random arcane for each eidolon and quills standing it's dead to me


I think they nailed it with the relic packs. They never seem to be the fastest way to farm anything, but it lets you reroll surplus arcanes in a convenient way.


Eidolon hunting in terms of farming platinum largely will remain the same, as some of the less desirable arcanes will likely have their own market similar to that of prime junk, where people will just buy arcanes in bulk to dissolve. This means energize might be a bit cheaper but the other arcanes will be more expensive.
As you mentioned, arcane dissolution might have only destabilized the market for a short time as people were sitting on tons of worthless arcanes that they couldnt reasonably sell for platinum or use for anything, but now nobody will have such a big stash of arcanes, hence nobody will be able to pull enough packs to impact the price of energize in any way.
Also people are overreacting to the event having energize as a reward forgetting that happened with scarlet spear and orphix beforehand.
These 2 events coincided with each other in such a way that for now arcane energize will be at it's cheapest ever, but it will recover as there is more and more demand for it unless DE starts doing these operations way more often than they do now.


I think the price of Eidolon arcanes like Energize will drop and stay down more now that there is another source for it, but the main way to get energize after this event will be from Tridolons. I think the main issue with energizes price will be sources of energy; the buff to Equilibrium and the addition of Energy Nexus makes it so that energize is no longer a necessary to keep your energy reserves up, at this point Energize is just artificially inflated in price and it was just inevitable it would crash


Love the videos man, thanks for sharing your optimized setups and knowledge. Would love to see what you're using to farm the Gargoyle's Cry event.


I have seen this event as an opportunity to get into Edilon hunting, as I was able to pick up a max rank arcane nullifier for not a lot of effort. So I am now getting to the point where I could start doing more than one set of Edilons in a night. As well as being able to spend the off time, when the Edilons will not spawn, go back on over and keep farming the event to get an arcane collection going.


There is still the riven transmuter items from the Hydrolyst, as well as the cores for feeding helminth. It is much less valuable now though, which imo is perfectly fine. Farming arcanes with eidolons has always been terrible. Though i guess Orphix is EVEN worse which is hilarious to me.


Just getting into Eidolons myself. Solo runs give a good challenge and a decent reward.


Even if Eidolon hunts are "Dead" I still need the Brilliant Eidolon Shards for maxing out my operator as well as eventually ranking up the quills. Even if Eidolons gave 0 platinum they're still a pretty important activity for newer/returning players to do at some point in their journey.


I wouldnt touch that RNG lottery ever again, I built Arcane Energize, Avenger & Fury to R5 with splinters in a week and a half.


I'm not sure if its dead or not but your videos taught me everything about these hunts, Thanks for that mate, Great content :D


Given the proliferation of ways to regain energy now available arcane energize isn't really needed for most use cases outside niche builds or simple preference. While those basing an economy on the sales of arcanes will find this a travesty for the average player it's absolutely great.


Just rember that now it's actually possible to slowly farm/ rank Energize (without dedicated farming Eidos) just by playing, and even a R1 is still a big help...
I'm more curious if the steel path arcanes, and others, will increase in value as people dissolve them.
I didn't have very many to dissolve because I've been giving them away left and right since weapon arcanes were introduced, so I have no idea what the drop rate is for the packs, but I still feel like the price will settle at a much lower cost simply because all the players that had no choice to buy or hunt for energize (or wait years for another event) now all have a semi-passive way to grind it out just by doing anything that rewards any arcanes. Before it was get lucky with Nightwave and/ or cough up, if they didn't want to farm.
I guess I'm trying to say that if the system was around back when I looked at the shocking price and decided "Fine, guess I'll go all-in and learn to farm this damn thing", well I'm fairly certain I would have slowly opened packs instead, probably have bought a few R-0's here and there for the next rank when close, and never would have touched the Eido meta.
Maybe I'm wrong, and having less people start hunting out of necessity will equalize everything and the price will stabilize right back at 2K plat.


At first glance i thought eidolon hunting was difficult but after watching some vids learning about what amp to build and which focus school i should get first for eidolon hunts i reached to a point to do 4x3s solo. With a friend we could do 5x3s. No fast charging(i never learned how to do fast charge it felt too damn annoying) i got my maxed arcane energize and maxed all my focus schools. My biggest problem about eidolon hunts is the fact that you have to wait for night. This is just stupid.


I have the same feeling with archon hunts with u being able to get almost 7 archon shards max if ur lucky with a min of 2 but usually 3-4 and I kind feel like archon hunts aren't worth the hassle unless it's an archon shard u need or to get taugforged lnes


enjoyment of hunting kinda died for most people with zariman. the plat aspect could be considered dead now as well given the new prices. ig they could go back up though, meh.


I still need riven transmuters, so still need to do these hunts sigh


After trying to farm arcanes to dissolve and credits to roll, i find the Arcane Dissolution takes way more time than running eidolon for the same rotation and the same drop rate


If they don't mix up the rewards it probably is. While I think they're fun and I'll still do them every now and then just to mix it up, I hope DE does something with them. Archons and the Fragmented are cool and all but those Eidolon fights just hit different

Also I agree with grabbing extras and sitting on them. People want their plat now but patience is key. I play Warframe in bursts. Play for a few months then quit then come back. One thing I always do is buy the good prime mods from Baro so when I quit then come back I'll have some quick easy platinum waiting. I had like 5 prime flows I was sitting on Ive been selling for close to 100 plat each.
Of course when Baro comes back with flow the price will plummet but in a month or 2 it'll be right back up. I predict the same for energize so long as Warframe keeps trending up in players (Which is highly likely since they've had huge amounts of currently online players with these recent updates)


What about going for AMPS, mostly people talk about is Arcanes, what about new players needing Amps. Is that even needed at this point since the introduce of the Drifter and the weapon they use. Most players bring up Arcanes.
