ABANDONED House - Everything Left Behind (WITH POWER) - Old Clockmakers Family Home

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Today we explore an abandoned house that has been left untouched with everything still inside and its power still on! Join us as we check out this remarkable old abandoned family home that belonged to a clockmaker with everything left behind! This house appears to be frozen in time from the 1970s with everything from this man's life left behind.

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Uncharted Travel 2020.
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Imaging going out for snacks and you come home to people filming your quote on quote "abandoned house" lol


I couldn't hold back my tears seeing the home video playing to the empty room. It made me miss my grandparents and the Christmases of my childhood.


Old men’s entire life was for the message that he tried to give us is that time is ticking live your life fullest, salute!


Could you imagine walking into your home seeing two young dudes sitting in your living room watching your home movies lol


When the abandoned house is nicer than the house you're renting currently


Imagine if your childhood home was abandoned, and then someone makes a video about exploring it years later...


These people were living life just like us. Talking, laughing, having dreams, feeling sadness and joy. Life is short my friends. Soon we will be gone and eventually forgotten. Was sad and cool to see this! I bet they never thought the day they filmed that home video that millions of people in 2021 would be watching it! Wow!


I admire the fact that you treat this abandoned house with the respect that its previous inhabitants deserve. It's heartbreaking to know that others that chance upon this property will not be so respectful and over time it will be looted, trashed and a family heritage lost forever. I would encourage you to do so more research and locate the daughter or perhaps even her offspring who, if they exist, will have no idea that this place exists. Doing this would truly best the best ending for this episode.


We all have to realise stuff is just stuff when ur gone


8:19 Playing the Christmas videotape while showing the empty living room as we (the audience) hear the voices of the clockmaker and his wife brought that room back to life again - for that moment. As if they were all there. This was IMHO the best part of the video.


All I can say is thank you for not destroying that home, and being respectful there. Personally I wouldn't tell anyone the location and keep it locked or try to find the family members and get in touch so they can retrieve family belongings that are important to them. Again thank you for being good human beings it gives me hope that good is still out there in a dark world


A house stuck in time is probably one of the coolest things ever


I mean, it’s possible he still alive. He could be an old man in a nursing home and they don’t want to sell off his home and belongings until he passes. The daughter continues to pay the electric bill 🤷🏻‍♀️


This by far is my favorite house I've ever watched. The home movies brought tears to my eyes because we got to see when the home was alive and live in living color. This is a gem. I bet that old man never thought he would be speaking to millions of people about his clockwork. Amazing. 🖤


Bro this hit different being a clock repairman myself. I couldn't make it through the video without breaking down in tears. This guy had so much clock builds he loved doing, his family loved him, and then it was his time to come home to the big man in the sky. Thank you so much for this surreal experience!! You guys did a marvelous job.


The property may be in probate or the county has it for back taxes...There's a house in PA that's been empty since 1910 and everything is still inside. It is sealed tight and even has dead plants on the sills. I spent weekends in there when I worked between NJ and WI. I slept there and brought food. No electric and just gas lamps for light and fireplaces in each room. I played their piano and read their diaries and photos. I found their graves in the cemetery. The son was a coal miner. The spinster daughter lived there alone until 1910. It had a beautiful scent, like fuel oil mixed with roses. Everything was untouched there too. It sat on the edge of a deep ravine and it was slowly eroding underneath the house. I'm sure it fell down into the gorge by now. You had to grab the frame post and swing out onto the porch to get inside so you wouldn't fall into the ravine below. I used Google maps to see if it's still there but no luck.


This is one of the only abandoned place that actually made me get teary eyed. Makes me wonder if something happened to the daughter and now there's no one left to claim it.


That's such a sad reminder of how fleeting life can be, we're here one day and then we're gone. Just our memories recorded and objects collected left as a reminder for people to find. Just finding the clothing laying around on the chair as if he came in just dropped his sweater on the back of the rocking chair felt like you walked in a normal day caught frozen in a moment of time.

So weird to see it abandoned like that with the power still on.


The VHS honestly made me cry because of another reason.

My grandparents moved out of my childhood house in 2014 and it was the very first house I ever entered in my life in 1994. I grew up in that house and when my grandparents moved out of the house they could never find one of our old VHS boxes (with photos as well) and we just assumed we lost them. Fast forward to 2016 and my older sister gets a call from the new owners of the house saying they found the old box in a very discrete corner in the storage closet (very massive room, also my sister's phone number was my mom's old one so that's how she got contacted since her number was on a bunch of the VHS tapes). She and I both went to go retrieve the box since we lived like 20 minutes away and the home owner was kind enough to let us test the VHS tapes to see if they still held up for watch. Me and her both felt so much nostalgia watching our lives in the house we grew up in and it was one of my favorite memories of all time finding and watching some of the tapes in our childhood home.


This is like an ironically tragic poem. A clock makers house is persevered in time long after his is run out
