What Do Prophets Look Like?

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What Do Prophets Look Like?

Dr. Brown discusses prophetic ministry today in light of the words of Leonard Ravenhill and Abraham Joshua Heschel.

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This was another wonderful word that the Lord gave you to share, Dr. Brown. I really enjoyed the quotes, thank you for sharing those. Amen, may the Lord raise up prophets to speak forth His will to the body of Christ. 🙏🏽 Blessings from California. 🕊


Satan comes as an angel of light. Let us be aware of our own motivations and how the tempter gets inside our heads.


Unfortunately, the "modern day" prophets I observe do seek those limelight moments. They want people to adore them, and they always think they are right and even if you "judge" the prophesy or teaching, then they don't hear anything. It's their way or the highway, even if it contradicts scripture, because in their own minds they are "the chosen and favored one" after all.

There is a difference between arrogance and boldness. It seems like, from observation, that they are the only ones who can't tell the difference. Then when they are corrected, they claim to be rejected and isolated. The reality, not the imagination, is that they are self-promoting, rude and not able to listen IMO.


I'm one of those despised men and here is a brief picture about us, a JANITOR. We see people's waste and we clean it up. We are the first to enter a building and last to leave but are often unnoticed. We are looked down upon although without our service the place would turn into a dump and city for germs. Pastors get their training in schools. We get our training in the bathroom cleaning them. Yet, it's an honor to do so. It's an eye opening training school...


Dr Brown please interview Pastor Dean Odle, who ran for Governor in Alabama, about Biblical Cosmology. Thank You.


Did you seriously just promote Skillet? How does someone with the Spirit do that? I was wrong about you. This guys a salesman. Oh well, back to the Bible and walking alone with the Lord.


Do prophets exist? Yes. The Lord tells someone to tell another something, so they're a prophet. Now, do I believe everyone who claims to be a "prophet"? Definitely not. Many people are liars out there, sadly misled by their pride into a delusion that God has "appointed" them as a prophet, when He did not do such a thing. So I'd be very careful of anyone claiming to be a prophet, or anyone else claiming someone is a prophet. I only listen to their viewpoint, and judge based on that. I am not in the mindset of wondering if they're a "prophet" or not. The Lord has told me things personally, but He has never told me to tell anyone else something specifically, though I was prompted once to say something that the Lord pressed on my heart a week before and when I said it to another person, they started crying because they knew it was the Lord since what I said aligned up with what they were going through. I would never claim to be a "prophet" even if the Lord specifically sent me out to speak what He wanted others to hear. Let people judge what is being said, not focus on me and what to label me, or anyone else for that matter. My mother has had a few times where the Lord specifically told her to tell someone else something, but she never would claim to be a "prophet". Just do what the Lord says, and walk in what He gives, and forget the labels. It's all Gods power, not ours. Peoples' pride can puff up if they think they're a "prophet" and "special" and they're setting themselves up to be humbled if they keep in that mindset. 🤷‍♂


I genuinely believe that this generation is more capable of biblical prophecy returning to the world than in the last 2000 years as an Orthodox Jew. It is extremely unlikely a great biblical ptophet like Moses or Jeremiah or Zachariah will arrise before the 3rd Temple is rebuilt in Jerusalem. However I do believe a Joseph, maybe a Daniel or even a Samuel can arise before the Jewish Messiah arrives.

Every biblical prophet is tried & tested. He is an instrument of God. An instrument must be tuned & practiced on before it can play the right notes. Then it is possible to play a song. How many people can know how to create their own instrument by themselves with the raw materials even with platforms like this & teach themselves how to play all of the right notes & read music? The people in the bible were not ordinary men. Not even great men. But extraordinarily great men! They became righteous men. In Judaism a person must perfect every part of his life as much as possible. Be the geatest & most righteous man in his generation.

God only chooses the best. But in Christianity while such perfection is not required a person must nonetheless become a true disciple of JC. In the same way JC walked and chose 12 Apostles so too the Holy Spirit will go out to select the Elders & Shephards of the flock.

Everyone can have a word of prophecy on their lips if they achieve it but actual visions/dreams/vioce of God through the Holy Spirit...a person must remove themselves from the physical & material distractions they must make themselves into the vocation of kings & priests as Hebrews, Romans describes. The 144, 000 are the chosen ones. The Saints. They are the elect of the church.


We would think that would be normal Christianity…. Ask in JESUS NAME, Blessed Holy Spirit normalize True Christianity once again unto YOUR Glory


I mute the infomercials, and sometimes I just tune out of your channel. At times I enjoy your content, but the seriously off putting trivia ads are too much.


It's in the Bible. Everything is in the bible


War gog and maggog is when our Lord comes and we will be with Him! According to the Scripture! Don’t agree with me agree with the word of God!


One that is warning the people of isreal to change coarse or judgement from God is going to happen.


Ravenhill’s words are not helpful. I’m not called to be a martyr, just a channel to be used as a mouthpiece for something my Father wants to say. I am silenced. As an old woman, with similar others, with Words from God to speak, there is no place for us. We are silenced by our own brothers and sisters in the church.