Faith vs Trust in God

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Do you have faith and trust in God? Is there a difference between trusting God and having faith in God? In this video Pr. Tim answers your question: What is the difference between faith and trust?

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Where there is no trust, there is no faith.


My baby was born with Down syndrome and at the beginning I was angry of why when I’m not a bad person not perfect but not evil. I go to church and prayed and have the church pray over me for a miracle for my baby not to be born with Down syndrome I really did had faith and trusted God but at the end he was born with it. What is miraculous before he was born doctors already saw problems and challenges my baby would have but during the NICU found no illness except a whole in his heart and no heart surgery necessary but still has Down syndrome. So far my baby at 7 months his been great so far no challenges yet but yet there are moments when I happen to notice his face of a Down syndrome baby I worried about his future of getting bullied or will have difficulty of challenges, able to be in the same class and same education as the other kids and just be in tears. Those moments are getting less and less because I forget he has it at and just see him as my son with love. I faith in God might be a good reason is to prove me everyone that my baby smarter than anyone I have hope that he will have a normal life but it’s sometimes hard to trust in God that will happen because of the doctors by telling what they see and the challenges will happen. In beginning I was so angry the my baby does not look like me or the father instead people will point and defined of what he is instead of who he is and now I don’t want wish any changes of his face, I love his face, his smile, his laugh. Each day it gets a little better and still going to church with my baby because he is miracle and hopefully continue with miracles in his life but now I’m also seeking therapy because I need help.


Hebrews 11:1 — Now FAITH is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.


Respectfully disagree, perhaps I was misguided in the past but I read/heard that the Greek word of faith(pistis?) is synonymous with trust.

I also had trouble understanding the difference between faith and trust in your example as they seemed to be used interchangeably.

If I lack faith then I do not trust. However, if a have faith, then I trust.


I'm confused about how my sins effect it and sometimes I realize certain practices are things I do shows lack of sometimes.


I have a lot of trust in god but i don’t have that much faith why?


So you're saying the difference is that trust is faith applied and used?


Don’t need to tell me about faith in God from a group that believes that the Chosen series is biblical - can’t believe gotquestions has not condemned the chosen series.


Unfortunately, no mention of Jesus dying for your sins. The whole point is to have faith that you will be counted righteous because Jesus died for your sins. Period.


That Faith and trust makes you gullible to everything.
