Lebanon in 'crisis' that threatens its very existence, foreign minister tells UN

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Speaking at the UN general assembly, the Lebanese foreign minister, Abdallah Bouhabib, renewed calls for a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah and warned that his country was facing a 'crisis that threatens its very existence'.

Bouhabib said in his address: 'The future of our people and our prosperity are in peril and this is a situation that requires international intervention on an urgent basis before the situation spirals out of control with a domino effect, making this crisis impossible to contain'

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The current conflict is, regrettably, now inevitable. However, it has the potential to prevent much larger and more destructive conflicts in the future. This is the essence of politics.


So what went wrong in Lebanon? I have friends who lived there. Apparently it was a great place. Best country in the Middle East. What happened?


No Sovreign State should allow Terrorist to operate on their soil. This is Lebanon's own fault, they would have pushed Hezbollah out.


Lo que hay que hacer urgentemente es parar ese genocidio.


Well Lebanon - why oh why did you launch rockets towards Israel. Israel was fighting Hamas and you decided to point your rockets towards Israel.

Israel is kindly responding to your actions . Did you expect Israel to just sit back and do nothing?

Its actually funny that Lebanon is crying for support from the world when they got themselves in this situation 😂😂😂😂.

Lebabon has forgotten Israel's slogan - NEVER AGAIN.


@peterbud. Clearly, you’re only familiar with half of the story. The way you represent Israel makes the sound positively saintly, which of course they are not. Their oppression and persecution the Palestinians has been going on for decades. Why do you consider it okay for Israel to mow the lawn and not suffer any consequence because of it?
