Horror Movie ICKS... Can We NOT Please??

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I'm doing my take on Emma's video of horror movie ICKS. Why are we still doing these in modern movies...

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When the characters get a chance to actually KILL the murderer but they just knock them out instead and run. Like they are going to wake up and still go after you....? I could never understand the reasoning behind that choice.


My biggest ick in a horror movie is when they have an entire hospital and it seems to have only one patient. And is also completely lacking doctors and nurses.


Biggest ick for me is people not calling 911 when they don’t have service. You can still call 911


• When the female lead will gradually lose clothing throughout the movie.

• When people don’t do a ‘double tap’ on the villain. Like make sure they are dead and definitely not going to come after you again!


- innocent child draws their "imaginary friend" thats a cheesy spooky shadow demon
- dropping the weapon instead of taking it with you
- house obviously being haunted/dangerous but main characters choose to stay for zero reason, despite having full control to

- naked, barely-legal girl getting killed or jumped in the shower
- sequels randomly being set in space?? like why was there a leprechaun movie but in space im so dead ☠


The car not starting … doesn’t seem to matter if the car is new or old 😂 they always struggle with that


I like how in Ready Or Not Grace looks like a mess by the end of the film.

The way she's seen sitting on the steps covered in blood with matted hair is kind of refreshing.


I'm SO ready for a horror movie with a old person as the protagonist.


biggest ick/pet peeve is when a character has a clear shot or advantage against the killer and instead of just taking the shot, they yell something stupid first like "hey asshole!" basically just announcing themselves, then missing the shot, and the killer gets away yet again 💀


Biggest ick is when a friend group is introduced & we could tell whose gonna survive. Its always the silent quirky one.


One thing I hate is when the trailer to a movie will show scenes that are not in the actual movie. What is that about?


My wife and I regularly complain about the trope of "gaslighting the lead female protagonist, " where she's going through some stuff, and every single person- including loved ones, try to make her think she's crazy instead of making any effort whatsoever to help her or understand what she's experiencing. I get the isolation that comes from that is part of the horror- but it's old, tired, uncreative, and wayyy too common!


I would argue that the 'woman cannot be monstrous' trope has existed for as long as horror movies have. The earliest example I can think of is the Bride of Frankenstein. The monster can look horrendous but his female counterpart.. nah she needs to be attractive. Can't have the female monsters be y'know monstrous, God forbid. 🙄🙄


My “icks” would be
1. People see something obviously traumatizing but then go on acting like it didn’t happen. (Usually in haunted house/posession movies)
2. In zombie movies everyone seems to be perfect at getting headshots like they turn into John wick.
3. The bad guy has no problem killing tons of people and is super strong but once they get to the main characters they become incompetent and weak.


One of my icks are how everyone has the ability and the means to shave legs and armpits in dystopian futures. Like they can be starving for food, but they are always shaved, and I can't imagine that ever being a priority compared to food, shelter and protection.


Digging a hole takes a ton of time and effort. I laugh whenever I see someone digging a hole with a shovel and all of a sudden it's big enough for a casket.


Along with the bird jump scares, can we stop the screeching cat jump scares. Cats don't actually screech when they run by 🤨


killing/hurting animals for shock value, the husband not believing his wife, character makes a really stupid decision that no human alive would ever make, “let’s split up” is this fucking scooby doo?, the lighting being so god damn dark i can’t see shit, just being overall confusing for no reason, plots based on s**cide. i could go on


Imagine if they used multiple personality disorder in a horror movie but on the main character instead of the killer, like imagine a character with two personalities, and one of them witnessed something horrible and they run away very far (like in anothe country) before going silent, and now the other persona has to figure out what they saw


my biggest horror movie ick is when the the scariest parts of the film are almost entirely black like why can’t i see 75-90% of the film why am i squinting at the screen?
