😲This Problem Is RUINING Adopt Me RIGHT NOW!💔Roblox Adopt Me!

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This issue is ruining the Roblox game Adopt Me right now. How will Adopt Me update to fix this issue in the future? 💔
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High prices of roblox adopt me destroying it .too for the Peeples who do not have enough time or money.


Stop bots = cut supply to 3rd party sites = players have to spend robux to get what they want.
Right now it is 10x cheaper to buy pets from 3rd party sites than to spend robux on them.

Also, in any bot clean up, Adopt Me/Uplift need to understand the difference between a bot and an alt. Bot = online 24/7 and uses scripts to clear events and do tasks. Alt = played by a player using regular game controls. Only active while the player is online playing, just an extra character that player owns and uses.


Me personally, i mostly play on my private server, but whenever i play on a normal server i don't see many bots, none actually. But what's really annoying is the PRICES. GOSH. I swear everything to decorate your house went up by 10×. I'm just gonna name somethings in my house vs the prices now

Piano- 10 bucks is now 100 bucks
Th carpets- FREE is now 1 buck(which okay fine is not that bad)
The pink crystal thing- I'm pretty sure was 200 and is now 2000
The white fan- i think 1 buck? It's now 10 think


Bots didn't kill the game. Greedy Adopt Me creators robbing children. Introducing gambling system with ridiculous low chances to get a desired pet. Kids could be spending $40 to $100 hundred to get the legendary pet/item. Adopt me is just hating because they not get money from the sites.


Once I rejoined adopt me after an update and I joined a server, there was a lot of bacons but i couldn't find anyone, then when I put the screen up, a bunch of bacons were under the map and in the air with pets that were aged up to like 100 and stuff. I left the server.


6:50 That's not actually true. Starpets users sell their own items and anyone can do that. The only bot is the bot that can transfer the items from seller, to the buyer.


The items starpets sells are actually fairly priced if you do research too. As an advice. It makes sense buying a legendary low tier for 0.50 cents.


Starpets are a example buying pets for actaul money like physical money💀


Finally somebody actually talked about this


I actually just watched a video about this on cookie cutters channel. He explained the math and it’s actually 6.4% which is really small compared to bot percentages of blox burg and pet simulator.


Honestly I'm getting so sick and tired of having the same update for over a months like the Christmas update came out December 1st and it's still out and we're what two three weeks into January like honestly that's stupid like it shouldn't be out like give us a new egg or something like I have 10, 000 I need to spend on one of my alts because they're taking forever to come out with a new egg like bruh


Yeah it’s not worth playing frost claws revange the other day my brother saw like 20 bots at frost claws revenge this just shows how the value will drop significantly on winter adopt me pets


Yeah I know that website and I always wonder how they gain their pets and such low prices I warn my friends about that website because they can be ban no matter what that's associated with anything with bots or illegal buying because u can get ban not worth it plus thanks for sharing this vid with us knowing more further about what's going on


I have the animated frostclaw sticker, (two actually) what’s ur offer?


exactly my thougts whats the point of working hard to obtain things esp out of game things that should hold value and no longer do because anyone can just go buy any pet now. thses bots should be delt with


Like so u have been playing adopt me since late 2022 at first I loved the game and would spend hours on in everyday but then every thing that was good during updates started to become 1000 Robux!! And I cloud never afford that but anyways like I hate the bots it’s so annoying bc like I’ll join an adopt me server to trade and the like EVERYONE is locked in their home bEiNg A bOt like don’t get me wrong it’s fine to have an alt acc to help u make neons but like making 48 alts and SELLING ur pets for irl money is crazy


Hi toasty! It might be too late but I have the frost claw animated sticker if u still want to offer!


Under a minute gang can I get a peppermint penguin I got scammed for mine😢😢


Bro, I’m imagining what would happen if he got the frost law sticker, I just imagine “I went undercover and- OH MY GOOD LORD I GOT IT OMG I GOT IT GUYS I GOT THE FROSTCLAW”


Thats what happened to me i got hacked . had a neon frost dragon and regular owl. i have almost nothing now.
