Our Brains Weren't Meant to See This Many Beautiful People..

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I got shocked when I re-watched a TV show that I loved as a child because the girl that I thought were absolutely gorgeous now just seems sooo normal to me. Then I realized we've been kinda brain washed with the edited appearance of people these days.


Qoves - You are over stimulated
Also Qoves - Shows us an 8 min slideshow of world's most attractive people


Also seeing an attractive person irl definitely has a stronger reaction, so if you're losing that sense of beauty around you, you are not even truly benefitting because undoubtedly seeing a photo of a beautiful person is not NEARLY as exciting for the brain. I think that this is a total negative for the general population.


I've noticed this effect is very strong with K-pop. My friends who are into K-pop stars downplay their own attractiveness to an obscene degree. It's quite sad actually


Margot Robbie is the best example of being called 'mid' by some internet men because they see too many photoshopped women online.

Edit. Oh wow. So much replies and likes I cannot keep up😆.
I still believe Margot is very beautiful though but after reading some replies, I understand why some find her mid.
But here's my take, Margot has these physical traits:
Tall, slim, great figure, button nose, beautiful eyes, nice eyebrows, nice jawline, good cheekbones, symmetrical face, nice teeth and smile. Which a lot of people do not have. So for me she is still above the rest.


When I look all the retouched model pictures online it starts to feel normal to look THAT way and when I look at myself in the mirror something feels wrong about my appearance. But the more I am just out with regular people the more I feel good about the way I look. Also I noticed no one else seems to be holding me to the standard that I was for myself when being over exposed to these images.


People calling Margot Robbie "mid" tells how skewed our view of what the average person looks like is


Any physical attraction goes out the window when they possess any form of toxic, ignorant or vapid personality/behaviors. Average looking people also become more attractive when they possess certain favorable personalities/behaviors.


I think whats even rarer and stops people in their tracks is yes, beauty in real life, but unique beauty. Its clear to see that people are chasing a similar 'look' these days with regard to makeup style, small nose, almond eyes but strong cheekbones. The more people aim to look alike to fit a certain standard, the more unique and less 'boring' others look. It may sound a dream to have others stutter or stop in their tracks at your beauty, but thats only if you're confident and like a bit of attention. Im a very shy person and it honestly is distressing to have 15 people stare at me as I walk down a street. This is an aspect to beauty that I dont think anyone talks about.


Ironically, models who are paid to be at peak attractiveness, are some of the most insecure people one can encounter. It’s because of this very thing. I used to model a bit when I was younger and it definitely messed with my mental health. My friends who were the most successful in their careers were no better off mentally. Now I don’t gaf about fashion or whatever. I dress for myself. My confidence must be attractive cuz even though I’m practically middle aged now, I get more attention than ever. Confidence is key and also staying away from social media as much as u can. Meet people irl, get some sun, have real conversations face to face, touch grass and we’ll all be ok.


There's this model I follow on Instagram, I used to think she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I was awe struck! As a young woman it was a first for ne to be that struck by another woman's beauty. Fast forward years later, with more influencers and models on Instagram now, I found myself less struck by her beauty now. She's still the same, she's barely aged and is now in her late 20's but somehow my reaction to her face changed. I wondered why since she's still the same as she was when I first saw. Watching this video explains alot.


qoves scientifically described the phenomenon of an "ohio 10 but a LA 6."

following that: would love to see a breakdown of the viral trend "LA vs NY vs Miami 10"


This is exactly what I was thinking of when I saw men claiming Margot Robbie is "mid"...
They live in delulu land.


This completely makes sense. So many times i've heard someone very average or under the average say beautiful people "all look boring and the same" basically calling them average but really I think it just shows how much that (below)average person stares or seeks out beautiful people in their day to day life. Its really a bit silly.


Could you say there is a generational gap in attractiveness perceptions as well? Just a personal anecdotes me and some friends noticed between gen z and millennials. Where the former has higher, almost unrealistic standards.


In my entire life, I’ve only come across ONE man IRL that was so insanely attractive that I forgot how to speak. ONE. I live in a big city too. Think about how many sparingly beautiful people you’ve met IRL, and that will give you the answer you’re looking for. The internet and online personas are all fiction. Besides YouTube, I got off SM completely. Put down your phone, and just enjoy life!


Here is a summary of the key points from the video in bullet points:

- Exposure to highly attractive celebrities and media images can influence and inflate our perceptions of attractiveness. This makes average people seem less attractive.

- Research shows we judge potential partners less attractively if recently exposed to attractive images, due to a "contrast effect".

- Frequent exposure to attractive celebrities can lead to unrealistic beauty standards and dissatisfaction with real potential partners.

- However, media images may be discounted if seen as unrealistic or unattainable celebrities. Their attractiveness won't influence judgments of real people.

- More attractive faces are actually harder to distinguish and less memorable because they share similar features that make them attractive.

- Upward social comparisons to attractive images can also motivate self-improvement in other areas like decision making or performance.

- Does this help summarize the main ideas discussed in the video?


Even just two hundred years ago, the average human being, would see one exceptionally beautiful woman or man in their lifetime. Let alone a perfectly groomed, rich and famous beauty.

It explains why artists had muses, why people lost themselves to a single man or woman. Because they were not constantly confronted by a sea of bigger, better, more colourful eye-candies.


This doesn't just apply to the internet, but to real life as well. If you join a college coed athletic club and spend time around attractive and fit people of the opposite sex, you start to judge nonathletes as substandard. I can't get over how many overweight people there are in the world outside of the athletic sphere.


This explains why I don't find anyone really attractive (in real life). People who are probably attractive I just perceive as plain. It's as if nothing can 'trigger' my brains anymore.
