Anti Zionism is not antisemitism - Ilan Pappé

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Anti Zionism is not antisemitism - Ilan Pappé

Speaker: Ilan Pappé

July 2019

East London

Thousands of campaigners came together in east London last weekend to discuss how to change the world. Marxism Festival 2019 took place as far right groups gain influence and mainstream parties face crisis.

Student Khai said that Marxism “tells the truth that the establishment don’t want us to hear”. Extinction Rebellion member Joseph described it as a “great weekend and fantastic opportunity”.

“We need to bring people round to ideas that matter,” he said. “We all need to take action to save our planet.”

The climate crisis was a major theme as was Brexit, the Labour Party and the fight against racism. School climate strikers, Extinction Rebellion activists and others discussed what kind of action can be taken to stop climate catastrophe.

Author Ian Angus described the fight for the planet as “the most important struggle of our time”. “Capitalism has driven us to a crisis point,” he said. “If ‘business as usual’ continues, major ecological collapse is not possible, but probable.”

Suspended Labour MP Chris Williamson was warmly welcomed as he spoke to over 700 people in a meeting on Corbynism and the future of politics.

Other meetings ranged from discussing Karl Marx’s Capital to knife crime, drugs and gangs. A panel of artists spoke at a meeting on the demonisation of drill and grime music.

Sheila Coleman from the Hillsborough Justice Campaign spoke at a meeting debating the usefulness of inquiries and inquests in fights for justice. She warned against people in justice campaigns being “co-opted by the state”. “It’s so important we look to each other and stay strong,” she said.

Marcia Rigg, whose brother Sean died in police custody, spoke at a meeting on institutional racism and also at the festival’s closing rally.

Read the whole article here

Рекомендации по теме

I love what he said

"Don't be intimidated so easily". This is the key to fighting back. Stop being intimidated by their attempts to shut down your voice


If Moses came back today he will end Zionism


Ilan is such a beautiful, enlightened human. I love him for speaking out repeatedly about the distinction between the two.


thank you ilan for spreading the truth!!! keep up the fight!!! im so happy that even in the U.S the conversation is shifting....


What an incredibly refreshing and heartening conference. God bless Ilan Pappe and all the principled Jews who stood up and denounced the atrocities committed by Israel against the defenseless Palestinian population.


Israel is the other name of Jacob, father of the 12 tribes of Israel. Jews only descend from one of those 12 tribes (via Judah). Zionism believes Israel or Jews are defined by a place (Israel). But Israel is not a place but a people. That is why there are still Jewish folk today who reject the state of Israel.


What is really fascinating is the power of Isra3li lobby on Western media, freedom of speech and of the press, and foreign policy. If you were to watch even one single documentary or journalist interview about Gaza and/or the West Bank (Palestine) you will have many questions. If you look for answers to those questions you will have more, and it doesn’t take long before you realize that ignorance about Palestine is by design.


WOW do u now how I now that he speaks the Truth ? Because he say not only the Name Jesus (what is forbitten among most Jewish Groups) but he say Jesus CHRIST, God bless this Man !!!


Sophia at 30.50 ... ! - whats her last name? Great speaker ...


Amazing student speaker 30:50 in, too


Finally someone of great knowledge speaks the truth


This is a seminal issue and undermines capitalism, imperialism at its very legitimacy, it now goes further and makes the argument irrefutable that climate justice necessitates system change.


Why do Swp instruct the police to kettle Palestinians?


Eu tenho essa doença também, gente kkkk


I think the people of Britain have more freedom to speak bout these things than the people of America. America is gone, no freedom speech in America, when it comes to these issues.


Anti-Semitism or Anti-Zionism, the bottom line is, GOD told Abraham that HE will curse those who cursed him. And bless those who blessed him.


antisemitism is big business how to terrorize others and keep them under pressure


It’s a shame the Swp think so and kettle Palestine activists


I have every reason not to support the PLO because of the stance that they and Arafat took towards the existence of my homeland when it was invaded by Iraq in 1990, nor do I feel any hatred towards the people in Israel, some in fact, I consider family. But.... Truth must be said, I believe that the Palestinian people do have a just cause, and the foundation upon which Israel was formed was immoral since it was based upon lies and religious nonsense. How many generations has it been now? Is it realistic to have the grandchildren of the settlers leave for good? Well, what I would like to see is a state that recognises the right of the Palestinian people to all of the land and the crimes committed against them, since that it was absolutely NOT a land without people, and I completely understand where a lot of Israelis are coming from and how they feel about their country and all its impressive accomplishments. Sometimes it’s hard to see the things that are wrong with our countries from an internal point of view. Again, an Israel that acknowledges that is an Israel I know I would support.


I hope this means family never have to know how it is to be a jew in a foreign land
I hope this means family are not slaughtered for being jews
I hope this means family are not expelled from any country because they are jews
