Influenza (The Flu)

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We've all heard of the flu, and probably know that it is associated with a particular virus. What is the structure of this virus? How is it transmitted? What steps do we have in place in terms of treatment and prevention? The flu is actually no joke, lots of people die from influenza every year, so let's get a closer look now!

Script by Kellie Vinal

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Dave the reason for the name "Spanish Flu" is because Spain finally confirmed the flu when other nations (USA, France, etc) would not. Spain was a neutral country during World War 1.


I dont get it.
Videos like this one that helps people out the most, very useful and can broaden people's understanding of current diseases and knowledge, gets so little views.
I wish more people in this world was more inteligent and receptive of science instead of only watching videos that either cause polerization or about a topic where they can feel "superior".
Keep up the good work Dave.


Love your videos Dave! Very informative and inspirational to take general scientific knowledge to the next level.


Thanks again Dave. Good information is always grateful.


Your vids are SO clear and educational. Thanks again Dave


It's a great video, but I'd like to point out that there's a little mistake in the viral structure: what you called "capsid" is actually a protein matrix (the inner layer of the envelope). Influenza A has a nucleocapsid, thus the "capsid" arrow should point to the proteins surrounding the RNA.


I already knew alot of this but thanks for better solidifying my understanding ✌✌


Hey is there any update with "Dr." Kent hovind? I cant seem to find his response video on your channel. If there is can someone direct it to me thank!


Great work, Professor Dave. Started following your channel about 6 months ago and haven't missed a new post yet. It's been fun going back to some of your older stuff, as well as checking out your earlier music career. The montage of the various Mario Bros. songs on the piano (for the kids?) was a lot of fun to watch.


Thank you dave currently studying nursing and this has helped me a lot .


I am 85 years old. I tested negative at the Dr. office for the flu. But specimen sent to lab indicated Influenza A. Can’t recall ever being this sick. Most symptoms are almost gone, but general weakness keeps me close to the couch. I did get the flu vaccine in early November. I’ve also had all Covid shots to date. So my question is..did the vaccine protect me at all? And how did I get a negative result at Dr. office but positive from the lab? Please clarify my confusion. Thx.


Hi Professor Dave Explains, when they make flu vaccines, what part or parts of the flu virus(es) specifically are they putting into the vaccines? I keep coming hearing they are adding strains of what they figure will show up most, but I don't know precisely what is meant by strains. I would assume this means that they are putting small amounts of the whole of a virus molecule, comprising the protein spikes, sphere and RNA within. Is that what is meant by a strain?

Thank you.


I had the influenza A couple weeks ago. I thought i was going to die for 3 days i felt horrible mainly at night. Thank god i git better but u still have chest pain an get a cough that makes mucus with little coffee grains. I also quit smoking cigarettes when i git sick so im sure it might be my lungs getting clean.


Please tell me how the pneumonia related to influenza i mean i am confuse in the segment transmission of influenza


I have a curious question, during the pandemic I hardly heard of flu cases.


So with other words, the Plague doctors was on the right track but did not identify the right way of the spread. A mask that cover the whole face, stuffed with things that suck up moist, then cover body with a hoodie that cover the head and neck area too, then gloves and boots, that almost sounds how I want to dress when I go to the store. Like a face mask that cover mouth and nose and have filters I can replace, some swim goggles (behind some shades), and latex gloves; and then when I come home use something that almost is like the Miasma theory by washing hands 30 to 40 seconds two times in soap that make my hands smell like roses and lavendel.


excellent presentation !! thank you so much.


I thought you said that the only human transmissible versions are H1, H2, and H3...but that the Avian Flu was H5N1. Minute: 3:20
Did I misunderstand?


Please anyone help me .. i just need gernal researchwork on influenza virus.. am not able to find out


Just to be sure; "Virus A", "Virus B" around 6:25 or so do not correspond to "Influenza A" and "Influenza B", right?
