Don't Ring The Bell

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Every Memorial Day, CrossFitters across the globe do the workout known as "Murph" in honor of Navy Seal Michael Murphy who gave his very life for our safety and freedom. A 1 Mile Run, 100 Pull ups, 200 Push ups, 300 Air Squats & another 1 Mile Run. It is a long grueling work out for sure, but we aren't dong it to set records. We do it so that in our own small way we can push ourselves like Lt. Murphy, and to challenge ourselves not to quit. We can honor him and all of our veterans by making each and every day count. In the ever applicable words of Admiral William H. McRaven - "If you want to change the world, don't ever, ever ring the bell".
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I am from INDIA ....But I am proud to say that AMERICANS inspire ME... ...Hats off to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.... AWESOME .. AWESOME...


Mind over matter. You don’t mind it don’t matter. Swift silent deadly!!!


If you ever have the thought of wanting to ring the bell or quit whatever you are doing....First think...Do you want to quit is this truly your passion, is this where your heart lies or is it the mutts barking in the background that are making you think and doubt yourself?

If its where your heart is and where you want to be...Let the mutts bark...You bark louder and drown them out, keep fighting, keep pushing and eventually you wont hear the mutts and everything you wanted to become will be yours...And your bell will stay silent and be a visual reminder of how hard youve worked

Keep fighting

Awesome video...


Currently 18, my MEPS is June 28th 2021. Ten days from now


I can’t wait to become a spec ops operator, a us navy seal, and have that eagle and trident pinned to my chest as I salute the people who were generous enough to put me through hell, I’m currently 16 about to turn 17 and I can’t wait to live through that hell


i wish i would have tried out for a navy seal. biggest regret of my life.


Sometimes you can but not everyone is good unfortunately. Do what you can. Stop expecting people to keep putting themselves in a crappie position just because you!! Don't put in the work!! Truthful 💯 👍 your parents and people help along the way. My family helped raise myself and my brother. Truthful 💯 👍 say THANK YOU because they didn't have to. They did it out of love. Truthful 💯 👍


You know what happens when you ring the bell stop acting like you been there


I applaud that girl who can do one pull up with her palms turned away. I was athlete and could never do even one of those.


Does anyone know where I can find this audio? I’d like to use it for some of my own videos. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone can help me figure out where I can find the audio


That's my dads name, till death.


Are we going to ignore the fact that someone illegally dump at 2:56 😢😭


Can someone tell me what the name of this song is?
