Should YOU Play Cataclysm Classic?

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As Season of Discovery enters Phase 2, World of Warcraft Classic has seen a recent boost once again in the player base, whilst we continue to head towards Cataclysm Classic's release. Cataclysm Classic has always been a point of contention since its announcement, with some players stating they have no intention whatsoever of trying out or re-living the expansion. However, there are players looking forward to Cataclysm Classic's release, alongside other players who are curious about trying it a second time round or for the first time ever. So, what just are some of the reasons Cataclysm Classic could be worth playing? Let's find out.


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What are you looking forward to in Cataclysm Classic? 🤔


I started during wotlk, however i didnt play it as much as my brother did, but when Cataclysm came, thats when i REALLY got into it


Discovery has Modern WoW abilities in the form of runes. It it's a hybrid of Classic and Retail?


I don’t think I’m interested in it, but I hope it’s good for the people who do enjoy Cata.


The greatest thing about Cata was the return of some brutal mechanics. The ring of skeletons around Baron Geddon on Mt Hyjal was proof of how dumbed down Wrath had gotten. People stood in the fire and died till you couldn't count the skeletons piled up. Then there were fights like "Break yourselves upon my body!" and the hunter dies.


Yes it's worth it. Cataclysm is a better WotLK in every single way, with a few exceptions. Cata has only 3 raid tiers, instead of 4 and it doesn't have an equivalent to WotLK's 10 Man Normal raid difficulty(LFR is NOT it).

Class design peaked in Cataclysm until SL and DF.
Dungeon and Raid mechanics and gameplay were brought to a whole new level of quality. Tier 11 and Firelands were some of the best raids ever.
Cata had a dungeon tier for each raid tier and they were awesome. Heroic dungeons were awesome(both pre and after nerf, they were just awesome).
Cata had 10 man raiding as fully relevant and amazing.
PVP was also amazing and peaked until SL and DF.
Talents were finally polished(though you were locked in a tree, which can easily be fixed).
Leveling 1-60 was great, I thought I'd hate it back in the day, but it was actually great.(Maybe they can make it harder numerically).
80-85 was also very good.
We got the Molten Front, which was a great progressive open world activity.(WotLK had none).
Tabard reputation was polished.
Badges were polished into Justice/Valor
The Guild system was great.
Reforging was great.
Not a big fan of transmog, but it is there.
Glyphs were improved.

All they have to do is add an Easy raid difficulty of Raid which would be after Normal dungeons, not Heroic, so that more casual players can enjoy them and they are set. A big plus would be if they added back the cut content in the form of a 4th raid tier(and more dungeons), then it'd be flawless.


TBC classic was the best wow experience u ever had


Well done. I agree with you. I am looking forward to the class changes most, I think. I currently main a hunter and "alt" all 4 tanks. I remember focus being a god send back in the day, and all the tanks getting a face lift in one way or another. I also plan to give healing a go.


No. SoD and Gw2 take up my time atm but i hope everyone else enjoys it.


I would like to see the mobs in cata not being as piss weak as they were made in original cata


cant wait to be the only human player iun a world full of bots, again.


Not really. Cata is just old retail. Classic is done


At this point in our lives ask yourself. Is it worth playing the same game over the last 20 years worth playing it for the next 10? No ita not.


Cata was so good to me honestly it was the best time I’ve ever had playing WoW and I started back in BC!


A lot of the "Classic" players will leave just as they did back in the day. Everybody saying no point are actually unable to open their eyes for 2 minutes and realise theres an entire 20 year timeline in WoWs history. Of course the same people who didnt want to play cata back then wont play it now. Cata will be poulated by different players than classic was, its why the "Classic" community got Season of Discovery. Theres more people than you just who love Vanilla, people joined this game at all different stages, you may love slow grindy leveling and dogshit easy mechanics, some others much more enjoy the faster paced game, the dungeon farming, the higher quality raids where theres more things interesting than an orange number, PvP in Cataclysm and MoP was the golden era for WoW pvp and if you say different youre just dumb. Not to mention Cata has a MUCH higher chance of converting non WoW players into WoW players from my experience. I wasnt able to get any of my friends past Duskwood in Classic before they fell asleep and booted up CSGO or Valorant or really any other game. They all were just questing, we were in discord but not playing together cuz not all were online at the same time all the time... However, now that theres dungeon finder in wotlk, we can just make a premade 3-5 man and play together all the time aslong as were roughly in the same level range? Theyre LOVING the game.

Cataclysm doomers really and truly are, in my opinion, just Classic fanboys who simply prefer a slower paced, immersive experience, and thats okay, but to bash an expansion thats not even out yet, that was originally designed to attract players that arent you, its just absurd. Of course you dont like it, they made it to try and start appealing to the more modern, fast paced, dopamine fueled game style.

Incase you al havent noticed, were in 2024. Every fcking game nowadays that people love is face paced, from lobby to match, lobby to match.... Honestly Id argue that Cataclysm has the potential to do really well, obviously not as well as WoTLK or 2019 Classic, but definetly bigger than TBC.

Actually, I think TBC is a perfect example to bring up. It showed that without that big hype around it, at its core, the modern day players dont want that sort of slow paced Classic style. They played through Classic because every single streamer was playing it, it was HUGE at the time, but the moment that hype died down and they were in an expansion thats basically just Vanilla+, they fucked off VERY fast and never came back.

Then WoTLK hits and Naxx is the most raided raid throughout all of classic. Why? Accessability. It was easy to get there. It was easy to do. It was easy to have alts after youve already gotten there and cleared it.

To top it all off, most people all just done GDKP, bought gold, bought everything with their wallets, chased orange parses and abandoned the whole "immersive experience" that they all claimed to crave for so long. Idk, theres just so much that makes me think A LOT more people want a Cataclysm style game than they think. At no point has "Classic" felt like the originals at all.

Cata raids will be harder but every other element of the game is much more attractive to players who arent Vanilla WoW players.


The company clearlly don't care about the players and they are just using what passionate people made 20 years ago at blizzard. Most of these people dont work at blizz anymore . they didnt even bothered to fix bot issue or do proper balance. even layering is is just a bandwith. no real live support just bot reponses. so why would i support them? also how they treated reckfull, athene and swifty... wotlk classic eu still doesnt have a single balanced pvp english server


cata was a good expansion the elitist player base said one raid was to hard for them so it was deemed a bad expansion.

cata had great pvp as well i cant wait.


Yes it is... quit complaining and enjoy the journey.


For me it’s where I start Warcraft as a whole, young an with no clue on what the game was, it was a huge world…I can’t wait


Better to just play retail at this point, especially since DF has been better than BFA, SL and ofcourse Cataclysm
