Seeding My New Lawn AGAIN? Why?? // Overseeding Tips On New Lawns

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How long should you wait to add more seed to bare spots in a brand new lawn?

I don't wait very long when I see trouble areas and over the years I've found that a simple overseed of thin spots early on will produce great long term results and you won't be waiting on your thin lawn to fill in.

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I'm in the same boat myself. About 10% of the spots I seeded on Labor Day aren't coming in. Love the channel Ryan. You are my inspiration for my lawn!


Oh man am I grateful for this video 💙 I reseeded my whole lawn a month ago with 100% fescue and right now it’s patchy as hell and has been so SO slow coming in. I’ve been wondering how soon I can overseed and now I know I’m going to be busy tomorrow! Thank you for this video and the confidence boost.


This is literally what I’m doing today! Glad I took a break for lunch to see what’s new on the YouTube. Glad you touched on the watering thing. Exactly what my question was going to be.


Good timing. New grass is coming up. I’m going to the store tomorrow for more seed and peat moss for the bare areas.


This is what I did yesterday! Nice to be affirmed that I took the right course of overseed, hit bare spots more and peet moss. Just need a cheaper version of the spreader now…..


Love how the "other" neighbor goes with the minimalist lawn care method, makes for a great comparison and makes yours look even better


Thanks for the video, your channel always comes in clutch!! I followed your reno video too.
I overseeded with perennial rye a week ago, 8mm rain was forecasted the day after seeding, but got we 40mm two days in a row! So I have some washed out bare spots I need to address.
Cheers from New Zealand!


Thanks Ryan, just added more seed in some areas that looked thin in my yard. Im going to continue watering as when I started 2 weeks ago just a few minutes less because the new grass is holding the ground moisture better.


Really love the spreader. I got my hands on one this week and it's so much faster and easier to use than my bannerman mini topper! It whizzes round trees and the stuff left over is great as a mulch over winter for beds. Great video!


Having just done this, this weekend on areas I had seeded a couple weeks ago; it’s nice afterwards to have ones instincts reaffirmed as to what to do with areas remaining thin/bare.


Ryan, I used your granular fertilizer two weeks ago and I am sold on this product! I used Scott’s, Johnathan Green and some off brands in the past which were ok but did not produce the effects of your product ! My fall lawn is thick and very green, my neighbors all want the info on the product I used. You did real good!


Perfect timing on this video! Thanks Ryan!


Great video, very helpful and answered all questions I had. I couldn't afford the compost spreader so I instead used an old large flour sifter I had on hand...It took some time but luckily I have a very small backyard and it did the job I needed it to do! lol.


Every seeding/ reno is a different adventure. Good video.


I helped my neighbor renovate his lawn with some of your TTTF. I have to tell you, that stuff is gold. His lawn looks better than mine now 😂


Great video Ryan! I was just thinking this exact same thing with bare spots after 14 days. Great timing !


I did this yesterday. Glad to see he and I are on the same page. Although he has nicer tools/toys.

Will the lower Fall temperatures help cool season grass germinate better than the lingering Summer heat?


I seeding some giant bare spots (medium/large sized dog traffic) in a 1-year old fescue yard two weeks ago. I had such great results that I reseeded my entire back yard about a week ago. I'm also using perennial rye for overseeding, as I read it can stand up to foot traffic better than fescue. Sure hope so!


seems like a common sense approach...yet i have never done this! lol i just did my Fall seeding this past weekend...will definitely be following this advice and throwing down more seed where needed. love the content as always Ryan


Thank you Ryan. That spreader is sweet.
