Why Does Christ Want Some Not to Believe?

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1486
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I carry a heavy burden for family and friends who are lost and blind but do not seek God. My words do absolutely nothing. Only God's divine intervention can open the eyes of the blind, like He did with me. Pray for people you know, that God may glorify himself in their lives because a prophet has no honor in his own house.


I wept for joy listening to this on my way to work. I'm so grateful that God has given me ears to hear and eyes to see and a new heart of flesh, of which I am so undeserving.


Jewish who accepted Jesus here ♥️ Amen


The ways of the Father are so deep that just when you think your walk with him is complete and you feel satisfied in your position in the Kingdom, you see some more light shed on his majestic being that makes your heart leap for Joy and even though we feel smaller in his presence we feel more secure and loved at the same time! Amen and let us give thanks that he is whom that he is and he is and he sends the Holy Spirit as a comforter. Thank you Father for thinking it, Thank you Lord Jesus for doing it and thank you Holy Spirit for keeping it going just for us! Salvation!


I am certain than GOD chose me. I’m 42 years old since I was child I’ve always been drawn to God, since I can remember I’ve always known that God exists, but when I turned 18 years old that’s when I accepted Jesus as my savior, He’s been walking with me ever since. Being a Christian is not easy and it can be lonely at times and at times a bumpy ride too, but Jesus is faithful and He will never let you go, I love Jesus so much 🕊️


It is a hard topic to understand. But if we placed our Trust in Jesus, then I will Trust that He made the right judgement call in choosing whom the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven be given to and withheld from. I still pray that God reveal to us and give us the knowledge and wisdom to understand what He wants us to understand concerning those texts in Jesus name amen. Godbless brothers and sisters!


I've just listened through this 4 or 5 times because it raised a very good question and I noticed a blind spot in my comprehension. I noticed that I didn't agree with the points made initially, and so rather than dismiss them, I explored them. This has been very fruitful and I give thanks to God for the revelations given through His Word and Holy Spirit.


I talked to my mom about god and she was just like “oh yea I think i’m gonna burn in hell” and she claims she’s saved because she was baptized please pray for her! also please pray for me, i’m having a hard time with lust love you all amen


I tried talking with my younger brother about the one known as Jesus; I tried 3 times. Each time, he was more angry than the last; and he told me to shut up.

I used to be in the Air Force. I wasn't able to reenlist. I was later accepted into the Air Reserves and had plans to return to active duty. Shortly after being accepted into the Reserves, I broke my back. 3 PT test failures later, I realized that the military was no longer an option. I walked into my hotel room and burst into tears. But then I remembered the 4th time I had a conversation with my younger brother. I had 'given up' on him having a shot at salvation; but the 4th time, *he came* to *me* and apologized. He wanted to hear me out this time. He is a Christian now; this is a man who went out and got a pentagram tattooed to his elbow (I think he did it to spite me after our 3rd conversation.)

I don't know what the connection is, if any; but maybe we should stop trying to take things into our own hands and just pray more. It may be a sort of arrogance to think that you can 'change' someone. God has to do it. After all, I wasn't always a Christian and nobody could change my mind; I remember all-too-well. God had to do it, Himself, for me. It used to upset me. "Why, God? Why did you reveal yourself to me? What was the point? Nobody wants to hear me. I don't understand." It wasn't until I let go and left everything in His hands that things started to work out. I can't say for certain weather or not that's how it works for everyone; but that's how it worked for me. I felt so happy when I looked at my brother's new picture. He was standing under a statue of Jesus, smiling. That's something that I never thought I'd see. It was like God was telling me "you are *not* failing. It's ok; I am here."

I'm still stressed out and my future seems so hopeless and bleak; but I know that God is with me. Somehow He is going to get me thru this life, broken back or not. My grades started to slip (I had been relying on my GI Bill to get paid for going to school.) The school ended up kicking me out and wouldn't give me a second chance. I have no income now and the bank is threatening to take away my car, the only thing I have left. I purchased it in 2015 when I still had a career ahead of me (or so I thought.) With a little over $5, 000 left to pay off this 30, 000 and something dollar car, It's going to be taken away, like everything I put into it never mattered, just like the Air Force. I'm trying to file for disability with the VA for mental health issues and my back; but even that isn't looking very good. I feel so alone and scared; but I know that God is with me in these hard times. We don't get to understand all of it; and I don't know why. If times are hard for you, you're not the only one. Everything happens for a reason; and more often than not, we don't really get to figure out 'why.' Sometimes I feel like it's just the book of Job, to see if I'm still His guy. There are times where I want to just throw that book away and quit for good; but I know that it's real. I'm just grateful that my family loves me enough to let me sleep in the garage, even though I'm a useless bum who can't work anymore.

God bless you all. I sincerely hope that everything works out well for everyone, and I do mean everyone. I'm a bit of a 'troll' when it comes to the internet; and again, the 'mental health' issues... I'm not mentally sound. I may be bipolar, among having PTSD issues, anxiety over many things, and a busted back... but overall, I'm a 'good' guy. Although I tend to insult people and argue online, I don't mean it. We're all just people; and we're all just trying to get by.

I pray that God does pull through and guide us all in the right direction. Peace.


Have mercy oh God for all of my sins.
don't throw me away from your love.
Thank you for giving me a heart to repent.


If you want to know why God hardens some hearts and not others, read the Bible. He will harden those who continue to make themselves His enemy even after hearing His word. He will not harden those who are responding in faith (which we all have the opportunity to do, by the grace of God). When the Word is spoken, respond well. The more we harden ourselves, the more he may harden us. Likewise, those who respond in faith can have their faith grown by God. Be careful! The measure you use when you hear is what is used to add to you. (Mark 4:24) This is how to be good soil. Realize your response upon hearing the Word is up to you, and is the difference between the Word being sown on a path, or in good soil. TAKE HEED WHAT YE HEAR.
Trust the Word of God, not Calvinism.


"No one is made blind against their will" love that ❤


Thank you Jesus for my Salvation and for being born again. Praise GOD!!!


I wasn’t raised in a Christian family, or raised
in a Christian environment /association, but
associated with many people growing up . By
my late 20s I was living a self destructive
life as were many in a surfing community,
North shore, Hawaii, where you could find
all the worldly pleasures . I felt I’d never
recover from bad habits mixed with good,
So, ok bad . But I was self employed and
some customers were Christians including
a wife of a pastor that was the nicest lady
of God . All my Christian customers were
my favorite customers . All and all, I started
to call on Lord Jesus and reading the Bible
and in time I found out it was all true, there
Is a living God that created us and everything
else that was created . And what I found that
what Lord Jesus said gave me hope, I can
recover from self destruction ! So now I follow
Lord Jesus . Families not too happy about
it but it’s worth it, believing the truth .
Raised and surrounded by unbelievers,
yet I turned to Father God and He pointed
to his Son, Lord Jesus Christ my redeemer,
my Savior . Our God . Peace and God Bless .


“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him would have eternal life”.


All I want Is salvation. I just want Jesus. I don’t care if I’m poor, depressed, etc . I just want Jesus and to be saved. I know that Jesus is the Truth and the way and the life. I asked God to save me over and over and over again. Why can’t He save me? Lord please, mercy


This is an excellent explanation of God's sovereignty. It is not up to the man who wills or runs but God who has mercy according to His own righteous purpose.


This gentile is just GRATEFUL to be saved.


he literally said "free will is not biblical", then said, "no one is made blind against their will"...


Wow so it’s a privilege and an honor to be granted repentance and entrance into the Kingdom of God’s. ✨
