HPI - General [Medical Spanish for the ER]

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Medical Spanish phrases for a general HPI, on a patient complaining of pain. This dialogue is targeted at ER clinicians, but other healthcare professionals may benefit as well.

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*About this video*
Ben Tanner PA-C walks you through medical Spanish vocabulary that you could use to do an HPI on a patient with some type of pain, in a setting such as the emergency room or urgent care. So this is kind of a generic history of the present illness. Ben shares the phrases in English and then in Spanish, so you can quiz yourself as you go along. If you're an emergency room clinician (like a doctor, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner) you'll probably find this particularly useful. If you're another type of healthcare provider or healthcare professional, you can probably still learn some useful medical Spanish terminology.

Not medical advice. Does not replace the need for a medical interpreter.

Рекомендации по теме

Mejor: better
Sigue: go on
Igual: equal
Va: go
Viene: comes
Señale: point out
Cada: each
Mueve: move
Lugares: places
Como: as
Cómo estás: how are you?
Cómo te llamas: whats your name?
Como te va? How’s it going?
Como te va en la escuela? How are you doing at school?
Como te va en el trabajo? How are you doing at work?
Como te va en tu trabajo? How are you doing at your job?

Como te sientes? How do you feel?
Como se encuentra usted? How are you doing?
Comí comida. Eat meal.


La entrada "pressure-like" tiene una traducción bastante incomprensible para un nativo, "como presion", pretty much means nothing to us. Al menos en un contexto medico.
