Modern Women AROUND THE WORLD Are FINALLY Realizing This...

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Modern Women AROUND THE WORLD Are FINALLY Realizing This...

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She doesn't feel bad about her choice, she feels bad about consequences. She most likely destroyed men in her youth without caring.


Woman comes home to empty house, no husband, no kids : "I'm so lonely".
Man comes home to empty house, no wife, no kids : "My fortress of solitude".


I am 51 years old. I have been married for 23 years and have a 13 year old daughter. My advice to her is "Don't follow the feminists. Be feminine and when the time is right, find a good guy".


I have 2 medical degrees 🎓 🎓 and a Masters. I cared for my sweet wife the last 3 years of her life. Our last few months where the hardest and most wonderful. She was happy I was there to care for her. The women who feel men are the enemy will never know the love and compassion my wife enjoyed to the very end.


At this point, when I hear about women complaining that they’re not getting to have a family, the only answer I will give them is “ that sounds like a personal problem, I got my own things to deal with.”


I recently dated an attractive, highly educated, and quite suscesful CEO in her late 40's (although she had two kids). Started off amazing, later turned semi-bipolar and into a control additict. Everything had to revolve around her, except when the check came when we went out (which had to be to nothing but high-end places). It wasn't worth the headache.


Sure they are realizing it.

But Marriage is still broken beyond repair, and Women still cant publicly admit that they are wrong. Theres no hope for any generation alive today.


I’m 55, we’re celebrating our 30th anniversary this year. I’m so thankful for my old fashioned wife.


I'm so thankful that I never bought into feminism. It always seemed like a lie. I've been with my husband since the late 90s. It's worse now.
I'm seeing more and more women using distractions from life. Education, career and most recently the dog world. I joined a facebook group thinking maybe I'd find some local activities to do with our dog. I was so turned off I had to leave. The group was full of women from late teens to late 30s. And their entire life revolved around buying show dogs, driving to dog competitions, bragging about how much money they spend on their dog. Bragging how their dog is their man and they don't need a man. The dog becomes a weird hybrid of their boyfriend and their child. It's very sad.


As a man in 2023 I get no satisfaction from protecting, neither providing for any female, therefore more for me and all is good.


"She feels like her life doesn't have any meaning and she has no purpose."
*That is because her life doesn't have any meaning and she has no purpose*


Beautifully explained... Thank you very much!


I’ve been single for seven years and have never been more happy or chilled. Although for the first few months I thought I’d gone deaf. 😉


Like they say: "What you sow is what you reap" or "karma", or "cause and effect".
Nothing suprising here.


This is what happens when you have a system that isn't based on merit. When you replace a woman who was hired solely off the fact shes a woman, replacing her usually even improves the situation for a company. When you try and fire a man who was hired and has merit and a high level of competence, lots of the time he is completely irreplaceable and the entire store or company shuts down. I've seen it happen before.


In my country, there's a term 'Regret always come at the end, because at the beginning you only find a registration desk'.

The point is, always think carefully what u want to do at your live, especially deciding ur own future...


I'm a regular dude, 45 years old. I've been seeing women (my age, 40-50) checking for me, and when I say, "You're too old, even if i wasn't married, " and the hurt in their eyes is Sad and funny.


...these are the same women, who turned men down and kept their heads high. Now, they're looking back with nothing to be happy about. It's too late ...for them.


As a single man in my late 50s I am literally in the same situation as these women, buti am happy.

I wanted a wife and children more than almost anything but not being a very attractive man women wouldn't have anything to do with me.

I got to see the outcome of those around me and their pain. The treachery of women.

I'm glad I have peace in my solitude.


Wants they hit the wall: they finish!! Good luck sweetie!!
