How to use Printify | Sell Print on Demand Products with Shopify (Printify Tutorial)

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In this Printify tutorial, I walk you through how to sell print-on-demand products in Shopify.

Shopify works seamlessly with Printify and only takes a few minutes to set up correctly. Once set up and connected, simply select the products, upload your unique designs and away you go!

And the great thing is… You only pay when you make a sale.

This is a comprehensive Shopify tutorial for non-techies, no coding or prior experience is required to follow along.

🛠️ My Top Recommended Tools for Small Business 🛠️

*(I'm an affiliate with some of the tools that I use and recommend, meaning we will get a commission if you buy through them at no extra cost to you. This helps support our channel so I thank you in advance!)

► Looking for a simple, understandable and actionable road map for setting up your small business online? Start here and get our all-in-one small business playbook 📚:

Shopify is a leading eCommerce website builder that allows anyone to quickly and easily create a premium online store.

Shopify offers many apps, features and integrations that give you everything you need to sell successfully online.

► Here are some relevant videos are articles that I mentioned in this Printify and Shopify tutorial:

Read our complete Printify review for 2023 here:

Read my print-on-demand for jewelry post here:

Read more about how Etsy and Printify work here:

Learn how to create a logo for your website:

Learn how to create a Shopify store:

Learn how to list and sell digital products on Shopify:

► Today we navigate through the below chapters for this Printify tutorial:

0:00 Intro
01:35 Getting started - Shopify
02:49 Getting started - Printify
04:02 Connect Shopify
04:50 Shopify - My products
05:28 Choose products
07:31 Design and Customize products
09:38 Add design variations
10:34 Customize listing details
14:28 Shopify product listing
15:32 Outro

► Are you interested in joining our small business community?

Let me know if you found this Printify tutorial helpful. Also, if you require any help or support, make sure to get in touch with us today.

Thanks for watching and enjoy!

#printify #printondemand #shopify
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I hope you got value from this video, let me know down below!
✅ Claim your FREE Shopify Trial (+ 1 Month for $1/Month) ➜

✅ Claim your FREE Printify account here ➜

*(I'm an affiliate with Shopify and Printify, meaning we will get a commission if you buy through them at no extra cost to you. This helps support our channel so I thank you in advance!)


Thanks for sharing this, truly excellent content!


Thank you so much!! This video has made everything so much clearer!


Great video, appreciate you sharing it!


Thanks a ton, this was super helpful!


appreciate for sharing this with us, excellent video


Loved the video!💕 Just started my comic book collection and found Toon Haven. They offer a huge variety of digital comics for every genre, and lifetime updates too!😍


This video is exactly what I need to do and to know. Thank you so nuch God bless


Great video. I would like t o know best practices for pricing products. Also, if you live in the United States, should you pick only the US for shipping? I notice that the plus sizes are priced higher. Do you recommend pricing everything at the same price?


Thank you so much for this helpful tutorial :)


Hi stewart, thanks for video. Would you also set up Etsy store along with Shopify/Printify?


Thanks bro love you from Bangladesh 🎉❤


Hi Stewart! thank you so much for your video. but i have a question, Do you have to pay for anything before the customer buys the product?


I have a question about the payment system. When someone orders from my shopify do I get the money in my bank from shopify that second? Then printify take out the production cost? Or does the produiction cost come first then i get back more? Im just a little fuzzy on how that works comsidering i dont have a lot of upfront capital. - Thank You


Thank You for the video! You are great at explaining the steps into shopify from printify I created both accounts and mock ups from placit into Shopfiy and printify how can I sync them? I have double listings
When a customer adds a product on my shopify page would it be sent to prinitify? I have connected shopfiy to printify before creating products how am I sure that printify would recognize the products from my shopify store and what the print provider I would like, If i don't also create on printify? I would greatly appreciate your help! : )


Hi Stewart! What can I do because my shopify doesn’t track printify quantity even tho i enabled “track quantity”. What can I do to solve this problem?


Hey Stewart, how does it work when someone wants to buy something on our regular site, but then adds a printify provided t-shirt to their order. Do they pay shipping twice since it's coming from two places? Are we to add the shipping costs directly into the retail price? Can the order be fulfilled entirely via shopify and the shipping app we use? Thanks for the help


wow, I didn't think you replied to every comment but you did. My question is, to get my store started I have to pay on shopify and printify? or just shopify and use free printify version, or can I just do everything on Printify? Also, does the business pay the taxes at the end of the year, or does that get paid by the printing company? just trying to understand if I should save a % of every order for tax purposes. Thank you for your videos!


How to do you handle shipping rates among different vendors? Some combined shippings are crazy! For instance a t-shirt ( $4.75 shipping) and a pillow ( almost $10.00 shipping) I have the printify calculator with printify that is integrated with Shopify that calculates the shipping at check out.
But I would like to customize shipping since that is too high. Any thoughts? Thanks.


i have a question. i know zendrop does costume packiging but does printify not? they only make a costume product for you but when it’s shipped, you can’t design the packaging?
