Tuesday morning tropics update: TD 8, Hurricane Fiona & another wave heading towards the Caribbean

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Tropical Depression 8 has formed in the northern Atlantic. It is forecast to become Gaston. It will stay out to sea and not affect any land.
Hurricane Fiona continues to grow in strength as it passes just east of Turks and Caicos this morning. It's a category 3 (first major hurricane of the year) and is expected to grow into a category 4 over the next few days. It will pass just west of Bermuda Thursday night into Friday morning before moving toward New Foundland, Canada this weekend as strong storm.
Hurricane Fiona continues to grow in strength as it passes just east of Turks and Caicos this morning. It's a category 3 (first major hurricane of the year) and is expected to grow into a category 4 over the next few days. It will pass just west of Bermuda Thursday night into Friday morning before moving toward New Foundland, Canada this weekend as strong storm.
Tuesday morning tropics update: TD 8, Hurricane Fiona & another wave heading towards the Caribbe...
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