10-Acre Abundance: Permaculture Homestead TOUR (2022)

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"The beautiful one" makes my heart sing as my father never referred to our mother without the beautiful preceding the word Mother. If only all men expressed this sentiment their lives would be far greater. Thank you! I miss this so much and your teaching your children how to be happy - love it!


Its amazing how God provides everything ❤️ the rain, the sun, the clean air, the animals and the fertile land all was given to to use and take care of and you have done a great job ❤️


Acknowledging creation with out acknowledging the creator, is like looking at a masterpiece of art and saying no one painted it. Love what you have done with what you have been entrusted with! Great Job! and keep up the good work!


That's really amazing you and your family were able to accomplish. Hearing you refer to your wife as "the beautiful one" is just adorable.


Brilliant... As a 73-year old with limited mobility and resources, watching you guys is the nearest I'm gonna come to farming. Plus, I started out live in North Carolina. It's mighty refreshing to see. It may not matter that I approve, but I do very strongly. Plus, if the Giftie decides to send me back for any reason, I'd like to at least start out on a farm and family like yours.


I swear when I tell people they should watch your channel I always say “he always calls Rebecca “the beautiful one”” it’s really so sweet and endearing and just a testament to how connected you guys are. I just love it so much! And she really is so beautiful 😍


The value you have provided even without abundance plus is unprecedented for creating easy laymen's access to this material. Thank you Justin.


This resource is a keeper. Never has 40 mins gone so fast. Loved every second of it. I grew up on 500 square miles sheep station, in the Australian outback and now live in a city. But. I still use permaculture practice in my backyard. Blessings from Australia ❤️


Due to being too busy, I hadn't seen your episodes for about three months. I'm so impressed and amazed at how each garden has grown in abundance. Great job. Love your enthusiasm. Love your family. You and the family (and Joel) have inspired so many to become sustainable. Thank you for sharing


This is the Justin Rhodes I subscribed to years ago. I absolutely love this video! Thank You Justin😊


The way you rotate your animals is amazing. I've seen so many videos about rotational grazing, but I dont think I've ever seen one where they rotate 3 species in a natural harmony like you do. Everything makes so much sense to do it that way. Props to you!


I love your family story! I’ll bet you see your father walking with you all the time. My husband grew up on 135 acres and was an only child. He was told his whole life that the property would be his one day. Then his dad got Altzheimers and his mom divorced him. She had power of attorney and sold the property. My husband was heartbroken. I wish his story would have been like yours!


Justin, maybe you all should make a sand bed for the cats to dump in? It appears they are just taking advantage of the raised bed, because it is close to the home and has spots for them to poo in. Make a nice sized sand box, and put Catnip plant in the box to attract them to it.


Loved todays vlog…your passion is inspiring and contagious. Your a teacher and a mentor…thank you for always sharing! Blessings and much love Rhodes family! 💖💖🙏


Justin Rhoades it's a great idea showing the public about what have established on the farm for your families survival in the event of any type of natural catastrophe or break down in the infrastructure! As a long time followers of the channel many of us had been taking along by way of the channel as you put many of these systems in place. I'm sure that your family is so grateful 🥲 and as a viewer of the channel I'm thankful for you sharing the experience. You are a very details, goal oriented and organized personal great moral attributes that you are passing down to the future generations of the family.👏👏👏


I haven't watched a video since you made those raised beds and holy cow man, your place is looking so good. Those full freezers and lush gardens make me jealous, I gotta admit. What you have achieved with your family is exactly the kind of life I desire.


My god, I use to love watching this channel, as well as Living tradition homestead. And recently while catching up on the videos of this channel, I found the sow the land channel. My husband and I have 20 acres, we’ve had it for about 10 years now. And now we’re in our planning phase of what we want to do with it. This summer, I plan on spending a few days there during the week and weekends raising chickens and trying my hands at gardening in raised beds. I’m excited!! Most importantly I’m looking forward to hands on learning through trial and error.


When you started talking about being the third generation and 90 years on the land, I felt that. My family has a similar story of being on our land for 150 years before it was sold. The connection I had to that land and my ancestors was amazing! While I do not get to live my dream of being the next gen farmer of family land. I do get to steward my own legacy with those same ancestors guiding me along the way.


me and my girl ex girlfriend used to watch your videos wayback 2019. You guys influence her alot to dream having her own land and do permaculture just like what you guys are doing. we find Gideon so cute. She now has her own land and starts to grow her own foods and veggies. Justin inspired her a lot in many ways. She is a great woman with a great heart .Thanks for sharing your videos with us it made us happy and inspired.


Have you tried to look into a Commercial freezer and fridge raider restaurant style? It might be more cost effective.
