KT Tape: Thumb

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Thumb pain usually presents as pain at the base of the thumb and wrist. A notable thumb pain condition includes De Quervain Syndrome, also known by many other names such as gamer's thumb, mother's wrist, and mommy thumb. This condition in particular is a degenerative (microscopic injury) condition of the sheath (extensor retinaculum) that surrounds the tendons passing over the thumb side of the wrist. These tendons control the motions of the thumb, most specifically the movement of thumb towards the wrist.

When this sheath becomes injured or inflamed, the tendons become entrapped and cause pain during movement of the thumb. Thickening of the tendons from overuse or trauma will also cause problems when the tendons need to slide beneath the sheath. Women are considered at higher risk due to the sharper angles of the bones in the wrist, but the actual cause is somewhat unknown. Many believe overuse is the primary cause leading to inflammation. This hypothesis is backed up by noting that most patients with this pain are new mothers who repeatedly lift their growing babies. Symptoms are most often noted in both wrists and to the same degree of pain, indicating that more overuse activity causes more inflammation leading to pain.

When these conditions are present, movement of the thumb is restrained and further perpetuates the inflammatory condition and may create swelling in more severe cases. Pain is noted during thumb and wrist motion along with thickening and hardening of the area at the base of the thumb. Difficulty gripping, tenderness at the base of the thumb, and swelling are common symptoms. Pain is usually slight to moderate, and extreme pain may be an indication of a more serious condition.

Treatment of the pain is determined more by noting what has worked in the past rather than scientific data. KT Tape has been shown to provide support during motion of the thumb and wrist, and has markedly reduced pain in many subjects. KT Tape also increases circulation to reduce inflammation and speed the healing process. Corticosteroid injections are thought to be successful, but do need to be weighed against the negative side-effects of increased degenerative effects. Surgery has been well accepted and successful in almost all cases, but conservative therapies are highly preferred prior to making this leap. Ice after activity, rest, and avoidance of activities that incite pain are all important steps to avoid surgery. A focus on proper lifting mechanics will also help to avoid these symptoms in the future.

Рекомендации по теме

This tape has truly been a godsend to me. It’s really one of the greatest inventions for unstable joints and pains. Thank you for this video!


Thank you for the simple step by step instruction. Every time I need to use KT tape (or apply it on a friend in need) I watch a video & am so thankful for them. This tape makes a huge difference in recovery.


I'm using the tape on my 'mommy thumbs' and sending this link to all my mommy friends. I wish I had found out about this sooner! So far it's giving me relief from the pain and the 'locking' that happens to my thumbs. I'm so grateful for this tutorial on how to tape!


I love your product but maybe you could give those helpful hints BEFORE starting the process?! Think about it listing what we’d need might’ve helped me to not feel so rushed and my wrap would look prettier 🤷🏻‍♀️feel a lot better though thank you for your help!! Unfortunately some of us don’t have help with these things and I hate not being prepared lol but you both did an excellent job and know I know which is exactly what I wanted. TTFN KLP ✌🏼🙏🏼&👻2U!


Would be great if we all had personal trainers at our disposal every day. How about some videos where you show self application?


how do I do this correctly by myself?   Any helpful hints, I don't have a person to put it on my wrist.


Thanks, after watching this girl for 20 minutes now my wrist pain made me forget all about my painful thumb.


In December 2013 I pulled the two tendons in my left thumb. I've had one cortizone shot and will be getting a second one soon. I've been in a brace most of the time since December. I plan on doing the Tough Mudder in September, would this help me not injure myself more and be able to withstand the water, cold, sweat, and dirt during the run?


Is this appropriate for trigger thumb? I thought the thumb was supposed to be extended not bent like a birds head.


My mom jus got this tendon problem and I just saw this video and it seems really helpful thankyou


What do you do if your thumb can’t bend straight in line with your hand and arm like that?


So this will work for support to keep the thumb from being pulled back when setting during vball?


Why did you do two blue layers, one right on top of the other?


Is this for CMC joint? I need a video for SELF taping! I don't have anyone to do it


this does not prevent hyperextension/over abduction (thumb sprain back or away from your hand), so you can't use this way of taping for bball and vball injuries!!


I have tendonitus in my left thumb. also in my pinky. I play golf and it came from me gripping too hard. I tried putting this tape on and it just peeled off after I take my glove off. any ideas?


I've already put the tape on my thumb. For how long should I keep it there, before removing it? Please help.


I hurt my thumb from playing a basketball. I jammed it from a pass. Can you please teach me how to use the KT tape for the finger jam in thumb? As this video only shows how to support the bottom of the thumb. :( I'm not sure if I hurt my UCL or MCP.


This one is tough to do by yourself. Let us know if you figure out a good way to do it solo.


I use this tape for wrist and thumb pain, what is the best way to remove the adhesive residue left on the skin?
