Best Organizing Products I Have Tried and YOU Should Buy 2024!

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For those that missed these products...I put together the BEST Organizing Products I have Tried! Get organized on a Dollar Tree Budget! Here are the secret Dollar Tree Finds You NEVER would Expect to Find at a Dollar Tree store Near You for organizing your home, bathroom, kitchen and closets.

Dollar Tree Secret: Organize Everything for 5 Quarters
Best Dollar Tree Products Name Brands Don't Want You To Know About
10 Brilliant Dollar Tree Organizing Finds: Must Haves for $1

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Can we just give vivian a round of applause for always bringing out her clear acrylic wall to display things for us 😂


"For a dollar-twenty-five, let's not be animals anymore." Oh goodness, I enjoy your commentary SO much! I literally said THE SAME thing about myself when I saw the organizers. Thank you for being so funny and helpful.


You SHOULD get to the top of youtube. I live 8000 miles form the nearest dollar tree but if I ever set foot on US soil again it had better be with an empty suitcase cause I know where I'm going and I'm getting all the 5 Vivian head rated items.


""I have been living like a damn animal!"😂🤣🤣🤣 too!! 😂


those pop up laundry bags are great for storing extra pillows - just put the handles around a clothes hanger and hang in closet. They're also my cats' favorite toy, but they destroy them pretty quick. Good for kids to gather up their stuffed toys.


I'm not even 10 minutes in and all I can think is: Vivian has all the tips for organizing my camper! Dang Vivian!!! (I know you didn't mention camping organization at all, but seriously, these tips are PERFECT for organizing a camper on a budget with smaller spaces! Non-breakable, inexpensive... what more can I say? Wonderful! Thanks Vivian! 🤩🥰


Props to you for bringing out your acrilic "wall" to demo these products, like the suction cup razor holder. BRILLIANT!

That idea of making a "footprint" of your drawers with taped together pieces of paper is also genius, as well. You are right! Trying to figure out what sizes and kinds of drawer organizers you need CAN be maddening! ("I've been livin' like an animal!" 😂😂😂)
I never would have thought of that!

I love to use packing cubes! They are a game changer!!

I just love your sense of humor! "Are you tryin' to get something cut off? If it's rusty and crusty, you better throw that away!" 😂😂😂

You are so cute and down to earth. I think it helps to keep up a good sense of humor, especially when you are doing a task that is challenging or stressful to you. I enjoy organizing; it's the decluttering that is supposed to precede the organization process that is stressful to me! I have been watching videos from "The Minimal Mom". She is on a whole other level.

Have a great week, Vivian! ❤


Paper template for the drawer, GENIUS!


Oh, Vivian, I think you should start an online book club. I am an avid reader too and when I heard you say you love to read I thought an online book club was a great idea for you. You have a great personality and make things fun.


I bought those little acrylic drawers from Dollar Tree over a year ago and love them. Several weeks ago I needed more for my craft room reboot and could not find a single one so I bought the plastic pencil boxes. Not ideal, but I was stuck. Wouldn't you know last week there they were sitting on the shelf again!!! OMG, but now I have these pencil boxes *LOL*. It's not easy making returns at the Dollar Tree, so I'm either going to try to return them, or donate the boxes to the local school. By the way Vivian, use double sided adhesive tape (at the dollar tree) to stack those boxes on top of one another or side by side. Easy to pull apart if needed but keeps them from sliding off and around as you use them.


Oh my God I don’t know what rock I have been hiding under, but I have never seen you before! I just given you a thumbs up and subscribed ! You are one of the funniest people I have ever seen and you do what you’re doing so well! Thank you for making me laugh today and helping me with my organization journey, you are a rockstar!


You're one of the BEST YouTubers period. Love when you give big sister tips! Would love a series of you giving tips! Stay amazing! ❤️


11:22 😂😂😂 We need to evolve! Thanks for the laugh Vivien. Made my night. I love your videos & humor.


Vivian, jumbo under the bed storage bags r great for "extra" school supplies. When the stores have back to school/clearance sales- buy enough for the whole school yr. Store the extra in these jumbo storage bags & when the kiddos say "hey mom, I need more paper, notebooks, pens, binder etc" Bam, it's all contained in the jumbo storage bag and mom doesn't have to go to the store & pay full price.


8-pocket shoe organizer is just the perfect item I need for my collection of my sunglasses.


Definitely my favorite YouTuber! I have so many lists of things that I need to go out and buy, that will surely get me more organized and make my life so much easier! Thank you Vivian❤️😇❤️😇❤️😇


Also love using packing cubes. They help keep my suitcase look super clean and organized and make the stress or packing/unpacking a breeze! I also started using fridge containers to separate some baby pouches and the small packages


I can't buy nothing 😢
I live in the Netherlands 😂😂 But i love you so i am watching and learn from your ideas! ❤️🇳🇱❤️


I need those Drawers Organizers MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF 😂


I actually started using the cable tie idea with my purse. Now i have a ton of little organizers for different stuff in there.😊
