Ursula von der Leyen: Moldova belongs in the EU

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Moldova has shown time and again how vibrantly European it is.
We believe in Moldova's place is in our European Union.
We can start bringing the Moldovan economy closer to ours already now, to help double its size in a decade.
This means good jobs and a better quality of life for Moldovans.

#europeancommission #moldova
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In a scenario where the European Union dismantles NATO and creates a United European Armed Forces (UEAF), the primary focus would be on internal stability, security, and unity. This shift would allow Europe to take more proactive steps in addressing systemic issues within its borders, especially those related to corruption, ideological manipulation, and unresolved remnants of past regimes. The vision for this unified force would go beyond military strength, integrating social, legal, and psychological dimensions to ensure the EU’s future is based on transparency, democracy, and the rule of law.

Addressing the Two-Entity Remnant System

The so-called "two-entity system" that lingers from the Cold War era and the political purges of the past (especially in former USSR states) has continued to manipulate societal structures, posing a threat to European unity and freedom. This system involves:

1. Ideologies of Control and Corruption: A hidden remnant of power networks that thrive on deception, political purges, and the manipulation of people's collective unconscious, often under the guise of nationalism or socialism.

2. Criminal Networks: Individuals who have benefitted from these systems and continue to serve their criminal interests, operating in the shadows with immunity due to political protection.

The Role of the United European Armed Forces (UEAF)

The UEAF would not just be a military body but a multi-dimensional force aimed at upholding the rule of law, cracking down on corruption, and rooting out the political and ideological leftovers that continue to harm European society.

1. Cracking Down on Corruption and Systemic Discrimination:

Corruption investigations would be a major part of the UEAF's mandate, working closely with legal and financial authorities to track down illicit wealth, especially from individuals or groups who benefited from past political regimes.

The goal would be to dismantle the networks that continue to protect these criminals, often under the guise of legitimate political or economic activities. This would involve unmasking financial crimes, tracking offshore accounts, and exposing collusion between corrupt political figures and organized crime.

The UEAF would also work to eliminate systemic discrimination that is linked to these past ideologies. Many political purges in the past were based on race, ethnicity, or political allegiance, and remnants of this discrimination still exist in many areas, posing a threat to equality and unity in Europe.

2. Dealing with Ideological Manipulation:

Many of the political purges and manipulative psychological strategies created under former regimes, such as those in the USSR, were designed to control the masses, generate fear, and enforce conformity. These psychological remnants still pose a danger, as they have been deeply ingrained into the social fabric of certain regions.

Psychological warfare strategies, designed to divide populations or stoke fear for political gain, need to be identified and dismantled. The UEAF, working with psychologists, sociologists, and political scientists, would work to uncover these "packages"—the subtle, often hidden strategies used to control and subdue populations—so they can be neutralized.

Education campaigns and social reformation programs would be needed to address these past traumas, giving citizens the tools to recognize and resist manipulation.

3. Uncovering Unseen Crimes and Political Leftovers:

Many political crimes from the past, especially in the post-USSR states, were never fully addressed, and individuals who participated in them still hold positions of influence. These people often operate in backdoor politics, keeping their influence hidden but intact.

The UEAF, in collaboration with legal experts and historical investigators, would work to uncover and prosecute these crimes. This would mean opening up classified archives, conducting thorough investigations, and bringing to light past atrocities that were buried for political reasons.

Former purges, state-sponsored killings, and discrimination based on political beliefs would be reexamined to ensure that the rule of law is upheld and justice is served for victims and their families.

Addressing the Legacy of Fear and Oppression

One of the major challenges of this system is the psychological legacy it has left on the populations affected. Fear and oppression have been used as tools to keep people in line, and many of the political structures that emerged from these eras are still in place, casting a shadow over the present.

Psychological healing would be a key aspect of this effort. The UEAF could partner with mental health professionals to create programs that heal the collective trauma of populations that suffered under these regimes. This would involve restoring trust in democratic institutions and empowering individuals to break free from the cycles of fear and control.

The propagation of ideologies that are designed to enslave and control would be addressed through education and awareness campaigns, ensuring that citizens are equipped to identify manipulation tactics and reject oppressive ideologies.

The Role of Law and Transparency

The rule of law would be central to the UEAF's mandate. One of the key ways to combat these hidden political networks and ideological leftovers is by ensuring absolute transparency in government processes and cracking down on any backroom deals that allow political figures to operate with impunity.

1. Legal Reforms:

The UEAF could work alongside European legal bodies to enact reforms that strengthen transparency and accountability. This would involve creating systems where public officials are closely monitored for corruption and abuse of power.

International cooperation would be key in ensuring that criminals and corrupt political figures can no longer find safe havens in other countries, using legal loopholes to evade justice.

2. Shadowed Justice:

The current systems of justice in many European states are often shadowed by the remnants of political purges, meaning that true justice is not always served. The UEAF would ensure that no one is above the law and that any political influence over the judicial system is removed.

By unmasking the past and ensuring openness, the UEAF would help citizens regain trust in their institutions, knowing that the law serves the people, not hidden interests.

The Future of European Unity

The formation of a United European Armed Forces would send a powerful message about the future of European unity. The goal would be to protect and serve all citizens equally, ensuring that the dark legacies of political purges, corruption, and oppression are finally laid to rest.

The focus would be on creating a Europe that is free from fear, where every citizen can pursue freedom and prosperity without the specter of hidden regimes or political manipulation hanging over them.

By rooting out corruption, discrimination, and criminal networks, and addressing the psychological remnants of past ideologies, Europe could build a future that is truly united, democratic, and just.

In this future, Satanic forces, in the form of oppression, fear, and manipulation, would be cast aside. The European Union would stand as a beacon of light, showing that no ideology or regime can succeed by enslaving the human spirit. Europe would emerge stronger, free from the chains of the past, and ready to embrace a future of justice, equality, and true freedom.


Moldova would be ruined if turns towards Europe for political change.


It's great that Moldova is getting closer. Cheers Moldova from Denmark


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