Is the Butterfly Effect Real?

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Most of us have heard of the Butterfly Effect, but is it real? And what is Chaos Theory?

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"The butterfly effect is all the more pleasing because the computer model that led to its discovery resembles a butterfly. The mathematician Edward Lorenz created the model, called a strange attractor, in the 1960s; it's a line that alternately spirals around two adjacent ovals, mapping out the chaotic solution to a set of interrelated equations."

When the Butterfly Effect Took Flight
"On a winter day 50 years ago, Edward Lorenz, a mild-mannered meteorology professor at MIT, entered some numbers into a computer program simulating weather patterns and then left his office to get a cup of coffee while the machine ran. When he returned, he noticed a result that would change the course of science."

The Butterfly Effect
"In 1960 Lorenz tried to model the weather. He wrote simplified equations and solved them on a primitive computer. Sure enough, his output did behave a lot like real weather. His colleagues watched over his shoulder. They were fascinated."

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My favorite example of the butterfly effect:

US railroads are exactly 4 feet 8.5 inches wide. Why did they pick such an odd number for that? Well, the same people who built the first railways in America happened to be wagon makers, and their tools where all designed to make wagons that where 4 feet 8.5 inches wide. Why that size for wagons? Because that is the size they made them in England. So why did they make it that size in England? It's because all of the roads already had ruts in them that where this size, and if you made wagons smaller the wheels would snap trying to fit into the ruts, so they made the wagons the right size to fit. So why where the ruts that size? Well, 2, 000 years ago when the Romans conquered most of Europe, their war wagons where the ones that made the first roads and so every wagon after that had to be made to the same size as those ancient roman war chariots.

So, why where the chariots that size? Turns out 4 foot 8.5 inches is the minimum size needed to fit the butt end of 2 Roman war horses in the front of their chariots.

Now, remember the US space shuttle? Remember those tall white rockets on either side of the main orange tank? Those are solid rocket boosters, and they are made in America but have to be shipped to Cape Canaveral via railway. The engineers who designed the space shuttle had wanted those boosters to be fatter, but the railway went through several tunnels which where just wide enough to accommodate a rail car with a width of 4 feet 8.5 inches.

This means that a critical design feature of one of the most complicated machines ever built by mankind was decided over 2, 000 years ago based on the width of a horses ass.


I could stay up all night watching theories on the butterfly effect until dawn.


Teacher : What is butterfly effect?
Student : Travis Scott song


One takeaway from Butterfly effect:

1.01^365 = 37.78343

0.99^365 = 0.025517

If you put 1% extra effort everyday for whole year, it really makes a difference compared to 1% less effort every day.


If i wasn't born, the world might have blown up by you're welcome..


ah the butterfly effect, Isnt life strange?


Life is Strange fans everywhere are screaming. :c


i love the butterfly effect. it means that everything you do might change the world significantly. i would sometimes do random stuff like tap on a wall knowing that it will affect the future. idk if good or bad but still affect it.


I had a theory similar to butterfly effect.
I believed that even a single thing can change the future, and that turns out to be true.


The butterfly effect is not a subjective answer it simply is how the universe behaves.


Math is not my strong suit but I love physics


I love the idea of the butterfly effect.


The good example of butterfly Effect is :

*Final Destination movies*


Ive learned more from Seeker than anything in school XD


Can't wait for Life is Strange season 2!


Video Game Developers should take notes.
Chaos Theory could make games much more interesting.


Something as simple as taking a different route home could affect your entire existence. Maybe you would've gotten in an accident if you had gone the usual route. Maybe you will on the new route. If someone delays you for a few seconds on a trip in which they weren't originally part of the plan, it could literally be the difference between you being in the wrong place at the wrong time... or the opposite. Maybe it'll save your life. The butterfly effect is very complex, in a way that none of us could possibly fully comprehend. One tiny little thing could change a lot & affect many different people.


Ironically I've thought of this my whole life, even with no words to describe it.


random is not really random until you get to the quantum level


its crazy to imagine that anything like a simple hi or something else could have changed someones life forever
