How Do I Lorcana: Quest or Challenge?

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Not sure whether to quest or challenge in Lorcana? Take a gander!
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Great video. I am not even being sarcastic, thank you for this video. I got more out of this 7 min video than I had any of the 20-30 min “in depth” videos on this game.


Thank you for the objective information! Easy to understand and easy to apply. The simplicity of you saying "aggro means questing, " was a big lightbulb moment. haha! Seriously, though, that equation... you better believe those gears will be turning next time I play.


"I will find my way, I can go the distance" 😂


First Edition Lorcana gives practically no reason to Challenge opponents because practically everything is a 1 for 1, which is why Control Decks dominated the Meta. They're the only decks capable of sweeping the board and trading profitably. Since introducing new Locations and changing the rules to exchange damage counters it forces more interaction.

Instead of just ignoring your opponents board and racing to 20, you won't be punished as harshly for challenging. It also gives decks more things to do, leading to a higher target count for Control players to consider. The hope is this brings up decl diversity.
