[Dangerous Thoughts] Bonhoeffer's Theory of Stupidity

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Prompted by Flag Day, Carter briefly comments on the danger of pressuring children to recite pledges, especially one as bad as the Pledge of Allegiance. He then dives into some questions from the community, starting with a moral analysis of slavery, indentured servitude, and the concept of individual sovereignty. Next, he discusses induction, arguing that it is the basis for all knowledge. Then he addresses a question about women's suffrage and its effect on Western Civilization, treading delicately into some controversial territory. Finally, he answers a question about what "hill you are willing to die on" in defense of individualism before ending with a review of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's theory of stupidity.

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Hosted by Carter, "Dangerous Thoughts" is a series dedicated to practical and applied philosophy, as well as deeper dives into other crucial but complex topics. Its goal is to help rational individuals become more dangerous to the intellectual and psychological enemies of the principles upon which Western Civilization was built and has thrived.

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Keep fighting the good fight Carter, we're listening and you're an inspiration. Cheers!


Just coming back to say I'm not unsubbing at all, nor am I even close to doing so.

Carter is one of the people who in their thought patterns as evidenced by their speaking, and speaking plainly, authentically, is proof I'm not alone on whatever this section of the bell curve that is existence is called.

Also, the Dune references are simply the best words I know of to convey the meaning properly that I am trying to convey, sadly yes they double both for good and ill as a Filter keeping Sheeple at bay, but also those not quite so lore versed. You don't have to read the books just look up the terms themselves, I'd explain them myself here and now. But i gotta go fix dinner and i don't wanna overload ye, with me being a Entish sort of Long mammal that is verbose and long winded with a penchant for interesting diction. What can I say? In High school I fancied myself a poet, and now that's shifted to aspiring writer.


Another great show, Carter. Thank you!


As always a pleasure to hear your thoughts and ideas. Thank you Carter.


The hill you would die on is definitely in this case metaphorical. There are battles that you fight that you can withdraw from, and there are battles so important that you need to fight to the death. In life you need to choose your battles. The hill you would die on is the issue so important to you that you would risk it all to fight that issue. From what you said about your life story, it kind of sounds like you already died on that hill.


Somewhat belated, as I've been dealing with some health-issues myself, or, to be more precise, dealing with the aftermath of the better part of two months in hospital, during which, I was woken every two hours to take pain-killers (and generally unable to rest properly at any time) and that has Really messed up my body-clock and sleep patterns, but, I hope you're feeling better now, dude 🙏🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍👍

Re Dune: Totally understandable... The first movie, directed by David Lynch, has got some good stuff in it, but, it also suffers from the fact that it was directed by David Lynch, as he was unable to restrain himself from putting his own touch on it, which meant adding some of the typical 'disgusting for the sake of being disgusting' elements (such as the heart-plugs) which both pollute his work, and which give it such a unique style... Some aspects of the movie, such as the casting of Kyle Maclachlan as Paul, Jurgen Prochnov as Duke Leto, and Francesca Annis as the Lady Jessica, I absolutely loved. Other things, those 'Lynchain twists', I hated... I haven't seen the latest movie, but, from what I've seen of the director's other work, I suspect it will be good (although I don't want to see Jason Momoa as Duncan Idaho...) The book is good, but long... If you ever wanted to try and get a taste for it, track down the 90s/2000ish TV 3 part mini series, with William Hurt as Duke Leto and Alec Newman as Paul. Although it starts a little further into the story, overall, it does a way better job of capturing the essence of the novel than Lynch's movie, and, if you enjoy that mini series, then I think you'd enjoy the novel 👍👍👍👍🥃🥃


Love seeing Carter, but where has Kerri been recently?


Carter, now knowing a bit more about your past, I think you might enjoy Michael Malice's latest interview with Marc Andreesen.
