Choosing a Field in Economics? Try This!

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It can be hard to pick a field of economics, so I'm sharing how I made my choice. #economics

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hey Market Power I am still doing my undergrad but I tutor people for the intro micro and macro courses at my university as well as tutor high school students in their upper year econ courses (In my country Trinidad we have an additional optional 2 years of high school for people wanting to go into more complex fields like econ. STEM or law) and I have used your videos to show people the potential of perusing a career in economics or at least the value in studying it. They particularly find the "why x field of econ is the best" videos inspiring because it seems nothing like the intro micro or macro which can seem rather pointless in abstraction to them. I would love if you continued this serious, I know you're covering your fields of interest first but if I could suggest that you look to interview guests for the fields you yourself don't enjoy I am sure you would be able to produce good quality videos for all the fields. I have students who I think would be interested in industrial organization, finance, international trade, game theory, econometrics, and health economics and I would love to send them videos from you. It would be really cool if you could reach out to some of your former Yale Professors for videos on some fields, or your colleagues at your current institution.


Can totally relate to when I was studying Economics! Your points can also apply to people studying other fields too. Thanks for the great sharing! 😊


First off, I love watching your videos and try my best not to miss one. I'm also very interested in economic history and the different schools of economic thought. I was interested in what school you align most with? I also think it would be super interesting if you did a video or video series on the different schools of thought. It seems New Keynesian economics is widely regarded as the accepted school of thought today, but there are other schools that I find very fascinating like the Austrian school. It would be super interesting to see someone dive into the contributions and contributors of each of those schools. I know you got your hands full; I just think that would be awesome. Thanks!


Hey! Keep up the work. This is a great video. I am part of Creator Now, can’t wait to keep following along


All your Videos are filled with lots of useful informations, thanks again...


Thank you for this video! Just wondering about your take on Environmental Economics?! I am keen on specialising in it.


Thank you for this! I'm an Econ student in Costa Rica looking forward to doing a PhD sometime in the future. This video told me where my north is and what path to take down the road.

Btw, is your thesis available for the public to read?


Economics was my least favourite subject ...but one day, just because I was interested to know writing style and thinking patter on noble laureates I pick of poor Economics...and now I am dropping out from my current subject to pursue development economics


Hey Craig! Huge fan of the channel. Would love some input from ya-

I'm a filmmaker who's worked on the outskirts of the industry for about eight years. I currently have a solid gig but want to pursue higher education to bolster my foundation. I'm currently in CC and plan to transfer for the Fall of 22 after my work contract's up. My main goal is to promote and produce stories from underrated and undervalued Christian artists and filmmakers. I'm currently in production on a Christian-based short myself and plan to use it as a calling card to secure future funding... In regards to school, I am looking at a couple of film schools for transfer next year (USC, UCLA, Chapman, UT Austin, UNCSA, etc.) BUT, since I've already established myself as a filmmaker, film school feels a little redundant to me. I'm actually more interested in pursuing something with economics, particularly in relation to the entertainment industry. "Entertainment Economics" if you will. What category of Econ would you say this falls into? Also, what Econ programs in the U.S. do you think could line up with some of my interests?

I know this a long comment but any input you've got, I'd appreciate man. Thanks!


Would you recommend joint major of Math and Quantatitive Economics?


Hey i like your video and now I want to know about the career on political economy..


Hi, can you do a video about the deceptive nature of graduate school economics programs when transitioning from an undergraduate degree in econ? It seems that most econ programs do not have nearly enough quantitative courses required in the undergraduate economics programs and many (like myself) are forced to take many more math courses to be considered eligible to be a candidate for econ graduate school.


I’m more into economics and public policy. I want to do Phd, and I’m about to complete my undergrad in July, 2021. My undergrad major was international economics and trade. I already applied for masters in development economics. How should I prepare myself for PhD, could you please suggest something?


I wonder if new fields and theories come out of development economics, like Universal Basic Income etc. They never covered that in my undergrad back ten years ago or so, but it's always been around. I wonder if green accounting is studied in development economics. But I prefer math and econometrics, I just love finding relationships using complicated math or heuristics like linear algebra.


As always, excellent vid professor!!!
I've a question in my mind sir, my economics undergrad is a little lighter on maths. I'm afraid I may not qualify for the admission requirements of some of good Universities. So, in your opinion should I go for masters first or directly apply for PhD?


How could an Economics PhD make a contribution apart from new knowledge?
Like if I'm doing on agriculture or development does this new knowledge enable me lend expertise to farmers or locals? What kind of skills are required?
In my country PhD is must for Professorship so people are trying to somehow get one.


What would a good minor for me with an economics major if I’m interested in Business and data science?


What's your opinion on agriculture economics


Hi am studying Bsc in economics
I have doubts whether to Minor in finance or itp( infomationTechnoProgramme) or MIS ..
Which one has high payscale and job seeking
Could you please reply..coz am really doubted to choose


Did you learn creole during college or did you have some background beforehand?
