Writing a Novel Is EASY! Just Do This!

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Writing a Novel Is EASY! Just Do This!

Check out the full episode of @ryanbetheashow Andrew Klavan here:

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Check out the full episode of @I Went Camping With Andrew Klavan here:


In “On Writing, ” Stephen King says you should set a goal of at least 2000 words per day. That’s about 8 double-spaced pages. When you know what you want to write, 2000 per day is an easy goal. When you’re stuck, trying to connect two scenes, you find 2000 to be like climbing a mountain. In those times, I’ve found it best to move on and write another scene. The connecting parts will come to you in their own time. At least they do for me.


i like the freedom of just being a writer, not an author. no pressure, no deadlines, no editors ripping your piece to shreds, and the most important freedom—not having a public that expects something from you. due to publishing success, more great writers have been republishing the same works for decades.


I'm very slow writer too, I'm extremely undisciplined, unfortunately, but I'll take this advice. 4 hours a day.


Here's the thing, your first draft is going to suck. But thats why you do multiple drafts. You might figure it out in second draft or it might take more than that. Just keep writing, your story will tell you what it needs to live.
2pages minimum a day everyday, thats all you need to get started.
Good luck, hope to read your story someday.


Just wrote my 1st epic fantasy 1st draft in 1yr and 2 months while working full time and suffering a 3 week burnout. I started at 4 hrs a day then reduced to 1 hr a day after burnout.


This advice to write for 2, 3, 10 hours a day doesn’t work unless you already have your story figured out. I don’t write 4hours a day, but I draw maps, design character arcs, plot twists, write histories, lore, family trees, magic systems, and other things pretty much all of my waking hours. I don’t know if this makes sense but I “work on my book” instead of “writing my book” - when I’m done working on my book then I’ll sit down for 4 hours a day to write it 😅


2 pages a day, minimum
Even if you don't feel like writing, just write the two pages. You might have something, you might not. Then one day, 2pages isn't enough, and you want, no you NEED to write more than 2 because on that day, thats when you've found your voice


As a 13 year old Aspiring Author I'm also a slow writer and this guy has inspired me just from this and I will definitely try to commit to the 4 hours per day!!


I feel blessed to pursue my dreams as a writer. At 21, I was laid off from my job and I notice how many jobs these days pays but they are not reliable. I dedicated my blood, sweat, and tears in pouring my words into my first draft. I saw this as an opportunity to write my book. I just have to. I wanted to create a name for myself in this world. I still continue to push forward because I see this vision. Something worth my time.


Taking clickbate to a whole new level 💀


I guess writing more will make you a great author even your language is different (I'm from Philippines btw, I've been struggling with english, their grammars and much more so i guess i need to spend my time on writing thank you for the advise!) Maybe 6 hour's a day I'll practice my English writing, just a little more then i can be better at writing! Tysm!!


I’ve always enjoyed being creative, however I would say that writing was always my weakness. Just the last few years, I went back to college and the degree that I’m pursuing will require a long written paper. I had to drop most of my classes besides one due to unfortunate events, but I decided to prepare myself for the next semester to writing extensive work, so I thought. “Why not write a short story?” Writing a short story always felt silly to me, but I was really motivated so I sat down on my desk and pondered what to write about. I must have sat on my desk for about 2 mins when I realized that I had an idea about a story I had thought about a long time ago. So I said, might as well work on this, well it seems to be going great because it’s been two weeks in and I have about 7500 words in, this has been by far the MOST I have ever written even in all my english classes. It was a very ambitious goal for me since I struggled with writing, however I’m really enjoying my work and even the process itself. It seems that I like to mostly write on my off days, my ideas seem more fluid that way. I’m really impressed with myself because I never knew that I had it in me. 😂 Anyway, great video! Thanks for the advice.


Unrelated question. I love outlining and worldbuilding, but I find the actual writing difficult. I think I enjoy it but it’s also very hard for me. I’m a perfectionist who agonising over every sentence & I’m not even a good writer so I know every sentence doesn’t even turn out well. I also struggle overwriting everything. I find it hard to summarise and turn every little moment of the character’s actions into a page of wasted filler. I’m not very visual and always struggle to come up with descriptions for scenes & characters. But I love stories, character arcs, & dialogue.
I’ve thought about maybe trying a different medium rather than novels. Maybe screenplays but I do want to write novels.
Any advice?


I’m a teenager with a bunch going on so I casually just write what’s in my mind or what I’m thinking. But with inspiration, to look outside the world, what goes on in a highschool life, my depression, how I feel and hopefully I someday, as I keep writing everyday I wanna hopefully publish my first book


I shall use this to improve my own writing skill. Thank you


I’m a simple man, I see Ben Shapiro I make sure I’m never recommended this again 😅


I NEVER wanted to be a writer, however I found out that I do have a bit of a skill in creative writing. I have changed so much as a man that I don’t have the same interests as when I was younger so just this week I decided to give writing a chance, just for fun. I haven’t written very much, however I have about 4k words in and about nearly 6 pages full of material and I’m barely scratching the surface of my story and it hasn’t been a whole week since I started. I’m happy because I’ve never done this before, not even in college english class. The most I’ve written so far was for English and it was 10 double spaced pages and I found that extremely difficult! If my calculations are correct I should have nearly 12 pages—-if broken down to double spaced. I’m still new to the writing process, but what I love doing is being creative, creating something that I ENJOY MYSELF, if people connect with it then even better, however I get to decide what happens to the story, to the characters, etc. I love the total aspect of freedom I have, I envision my world as I write. I don’t set myself any set daily goal, I mostly go by emotion, if I feel energetic then I write, if I feel tired I take the day off. I noticed that when I’m tired from work, I don’t come up with material that I’m happy with and tend to make a lot more mistakes. When I feel rested and bored is when I come up with some really interesting ideas for my writing. I personally don’t think anything is going to materialize from my writing, but who truly knows, perhaps in the future people can enjoy reading it once I’m done with it. To me it’s more about quality than quantity, although I caught myself going back a few times and trying to edit, which felt like that was holding me back, so instead I’m just writing and writing then after a good amount of work I might skim to see what I might edit later.


George R.R. Martin should take his advice


I used to think maintaining a punishing schedule was going to pay off, almost like a mathematical certainty. It didn’t. In fact it ruined writing for me because it wasn’t fun anymore. Haven’t written stories over a year and each time I think about trying again i remember the sheer exhaustion from trying to balance a hobby with a job and family life.

Tread cautiously.
