NZXT and the H1... BEWARE!

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I felt that it is important to bring attention to this issue and to make sure that people using the H1 are aware of the potential danger and show an alternative way to protect their case from catching fire while they wait for the official NZXT fix to reach end users.

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Update: NZXT has just sent out a notice saying that the H1 is being removed from BLD and users with an H1 will receive a replacement riser cable. Please head to to find out more information. This all came to light after this video was created.


I was told that this was the hottest case on the market right now. Turns out - my Intel was correct.


- pay 2500 dollars for a vertical pc that kinda looks like the real good one

- a pcb that isn't grounded


NZXT "We sponsor you"
Jay "Fuck off about it." *turns to audience* "Shits on fire yo"


Love how their Instagram page hasn't posted anything in 5 days.... I wonder why LOL
Edit: As I'm making my way thru the video and Jay starts using zipties, it just reminded my of the time (about a year ago) when I had to use zipties to install a Deepcool AIO on an H510 simply because the AIO didn't fit in that case. Smh NZXT


This takes “my pc can heat my room” to a whole new level...


Customer: I would like to buy house insurence.
Consultant: Do you store any petrols, explosives or NZXT products in your house?


These are going to be a danger for the lifetime of their use, sadly. There are still going to be people out there who do not know about this and don't fix it. There will also be sales of these as used items, where even if this fix is made, the next person may not know about it and may replace the nylon screw with a metal screw because the nylon one is lost, stripped, etc. Even if the manufacturer fixes this all the way via complete replacement of the riser cable, there will be cases out there that do not receive the fix. A real bummer all the way around.

Props to you for helping to further spread the word on the grave issue Jay!

Hopefully NZXT holds theirs suppliers feet to the fire on this issue as well. Not that ultimately this is not NZXT's issue. They should have checked this as well. And responded much, MUCH better than they have.


“Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.”

― Terry Pratchett


Glad they moved to a full recall. I think you did a pretty good job explaining the basics of the issue for those who don't need the full detail of the GN videos or don't have the time. And the ziptie is a good stopgap until replacements arrive!


Electronics engineer here. I would not say "cheap 'ed out on the design" is entirely accurate here. Yes, following the standard design rules and plating the mechanical screw holes to the ground plane would cost more by like $0.00001.. because of the physical plating of those through holes and the material. However, they could have just as easily not had this problem by not plating those holes and not running a power plane (or any other signals) straight across those mechanical holes. Zero cost. This problem reeks entirely of n00b (new guy) on the job not understanding or following standard design practice for mechanical screw holes for industry standard computer PCBs (clearance rules to holes, plating to ground, etc..). I don't want to call out certain "engineers" or "designers" in some countries, but there is a tendency for extremely high turnover in those countries and for companies to pay literal pennies for college students (or less) to design these PCBs. Its entirely understandable how this happened from why the power plane got routed that way and the fact that maybe NZXT didn't vet this riser. A lot of companies from these countries "scam" suppliers by being "yes men" and saying they have the expertise, but at the end of the day, they want to make money by spending pennies and bypassing a lot of rules and requirements and getting the cheapest labor. You get what you pay for.

I have zero knowledge of how this went down with NZXT and want to stress that the above is entirely an opinion and theory based on my personal experience in the consumer electronics industry and working with companies from several notable countries. I have not worked in the PC electronics industry and my experience has been in consumer electronics. Disclaimer is there, please don't bite my head off.


"That usually ends in a headline that no one wants to read" -Jay

This is some serious poetry here.


NZXT looking at those Xbox vape smoke videos: “Now that’s the standout feature we need”


Literally there's a scene in Fight Club where the narrator explains how recalls work. if lawsuits are cheaper than a recall, they don't do one.


I told my brother to avoid this thing he has 3 kids. He didn’t know what I was talking about but now he knows and that’s the point. Gamers nexus and JayzTwoCents +++


and the riser cable manufacturer is named "WINNING!" . . . The universe has a sick sense of humor.


I'd return it for a refund and build in something else at this point..


Looks like Jay integrated his IFIXIT ad in the case with the EXPLOSION! 💥


halfway through the intro I'm thinking: he's going to zip tie it. 15 ish minutes later - Zip ties appear.


I'll never consider buying a NZXT product ever again!
The way NZXT have handled all of this is just not OK!
