Stepper motor driver - which one is not to get - avoiding TB6600 at all cost

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I upgraded my 3018 CNC using 3 TB6600 stepper motor drivers because they are cheap and the current rating seemed good (more than enough for any nema 17 motors).
I started noticing some drifting during some long milling jobs. The drifting showed more clearly in the X and Y axis (cannot really tell in the Z axis).
This problem didn't occur when I used the same stepper motors with the original stepper motors on the original board of the machine (very small and not powerful).
I decided to swap the TB6600 with 3 of the DM542 stepper motor driver. They are bigger, more expensive but they worked as expected. The drifting disappeared after the change.
So, please stay away from the TB6600 stepper motor drivers. They are cheap but you get what you pay for - problems!!!
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Thank you for turning the volume down when the machine was cutting, THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH. It’s bad enough having to wear hearing protection when I’m using my machine, I don’t want to wear it when watching an instructional video. Thank you. And thank you for the advice and the great videos I’ve seen you do so far, well done 😎👍🏻


As a self-taught practitioner of digital and power electronics and indeed of motion control for nearly 40 years, I have a few comments:
In a stepper motor system, it seems relatively straight-forward: Connect your microprocessor step and direction signals to the corresponding inputs on a step-driver module. Apply power (!) and you're good to go. It's basic stuff to those who have done some study and practice in electronics, but evidently mysterious to newbies who follow the typically incomplete - and sometimes downright incorrect instructions lying around on the web. Including the (so-called) 'documentation' from many of the hobby and maker suppliers. There are numerous 'fine points' to learn about stepper motors, drivers, signals and interfaces which need to be covered to get good results. These include the power supply, power distribution, grounding scheme, logic levels and drive capability, noise immunity, and a host of other factors. This knowledge is clearly missing here for the most part. Therefore I recommend you all NOT give any weight to pronouncements about this is good/this is bad.
I DO recommend that if folks want to 'do' electronics, they should make a serious study of the subject.


Thank you very much for this video. I can confirm the problems with TB6600 stepper motor drivers. Drift and step losses up to total driver failure. The additional costs for DM542 are worthwhile in any case. It is simply better for the machine and the nerves.😄


Tb6600hg is genuine Toshiba chip
Which comes in tb6600 v1.2 driver, which are without that black casing those black case drivers feels sketchy to me since there's no where written they are tb6600 where else on this driver tb6600 it is actually and written and there is Toshiba chip tb6600hg inside


thank you for posting this video i cancelled my tb6600 and ordered a couple of the other dm542


Thank you, you gave me some hope. I also changing right now from the cheap ones to DM516T, hopefully it will solve my problems.


It is because there is no TB6600 chip of Toshiba in these drivers. there is a much smaller and different chip inside it.
If you will open it you will see the small chip. calling this driver "TB6600" driver is a big mistake and it is for sale all over the net.


Hello, i also confirmed and had the same problem BUT NOT ANY MORE!, i had the same problems of drift and every thing but it was for sure less than yours, mainly the problem is some kind of interference caused by another component like the spindle motor (mine was the high frequency starter arc for the plasma tourch), after some hard work the solution was just a filtering capacitor wired in parallel with pulse + and - of the driver, it's value is 100nf (it's marking is : 104) and every thing worked flawlessly and the whole issue literally disappeared,
I hope this helps somebody :) .


Thanks for this advice Minh! I came across the very same observation from a Polish reviewer: TB6600 drivers' response may differ from batch to batch. Looks like it's an industrial issue... After all, we get for what we pay for.
(FR) Merci d'être aussi rapide pour relever le manque de fiabilité des TB6600 souvent relevé par d'autres monteurs de diy CNC. Mais j'étais incapable d'imaginer une telle dérive à ce point... grave. On atteint les désagréables surprises du "cheap" ;) Mais ton diagnostic semble coller. Reste à voir ce que ça donne dans le temps ;). Bein! Repose-toi et prends soins de tes proches. Je suis heureux: comme je n'applique pas tout de suite tes modifications, j'ai le temps de les voir murir ;) et heureux que tu sois attentif à leur évolution. Bon week end l'ami!


I've been having terrible problems with drift. I'm using TB6600 based drivers. I hadn't considered it could be coming from the driver. Maybe I should try another driver. Thanks!


90 % of the time, the problems you experience are form connections:
are all zero volts connected together?
Is your power supply very stable?
Do you use power tools at the same time you use your CNC?


I wish i had seen this video before my build. The machine was very noisy even at standstill. All motors were humming. I thought it was something wrong with my overall design. I switched to DM542 and the machine was silent and ran smoothly. I can confidently tell everyone to stay away from TB6600


THANK I WAS ABOUT TO BUY IT!!! HAHAHAHA you changed my mind for the better


I heard about this before I purchased my 6600, since they al only £9 UK (Amazon), I opened myne up to find no dry joints but there is no thermal compound on the small aluminium square, which makes contact to the big aluminium heatsink, perhaps this is the problem?


Thank for the video. Has some problem, but my motors much bigger so I am getting that issued regularly, it's happening after few minute cutting. losing x or y axis position for few millimeters. I am thinking it's from driver. quality or heating problem


Get me some 542 drivers what a big difference I will never go back to the Tb 6600


Same issue replaced thanks now it's excellent replaced with tb6560


Who was the manufacturer of the DM542 driver board please mate.


I agree. Do not use TB6600 I use DM556 digital drivers. Supper quiet.


how did you connect these to the controller
