Google Firebase Not working | Data not uploading by NodeMcu | 100% working Solution by Circuit 4 You
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Hey guys! Welcome to Circuit 4 You.
If you are facing problem with Google Firebase while uploading the data from Node MCU then please watch this video till end..............
I hope the problem will get 100% solved ......................
Firebase Fingerprint (As on 24/04/2021) ------
(If You are watching this video on or before 24/06/2021 then you can use the above fingerprint directly. No need to get it from GRC SSL tool , but if you are watching it after the dates mentioned then please follow the same procedure as mentioned in the video.)
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If you are facing problem with Google Firebase while uploading the data from Node MCU then please watch this video till end..............
I hope the problem will get 100% solved ......................
Firebase Fingerprint (As on 24/04/2021) ------
(If You are watching this video on or before 24/06/2021 then you can use the above fingerprint directly. No need to get it from GRC SSL tool , but if you are watching it after the dates mentioned then please follow the same procedure as mentioned in the video.)
Thank you for watching .....
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Google Firebase Not working | Data not uploading by NodeMcu | 100% working Solution by Circuit 4 You
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