What Is OCD?

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In this video we will explore an underestimated disease, obsessive-compulsive disorder.


1. Brock, H. & Hany, M. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. in StatPearls (StatPearls Publishing, 2023).
2. Obsessive–compulsive disorder. Wikipedia (2023).

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OCD isn't just "i need these items to be size and color sorted" it's violent or sexually inappropriate intrusive thoughts.


I'm happy seeing someone finally properly describe OCD instead of saying it's "being organized". Had it for 6 years and it's truly horrible and deteriorating. People should be more aware of mental diseases in general.


OCD really makes you question your sanity. It's really difficult to live with and not easy to ignore. Ignoring it makes it worse. When you do give into whatever compulsions you have it leaves you feeling exhausted and guilty. It feels like you have no control over your thoughts. For me personally stress makes it way worse. I did make some progress but it's still part of my daily routine. I don't wish this disorder on anyone.


I have OCD, and I can verify. It makes it extremely hard to break habits, but I’ve been doing good in reducing the effects of OCD.


I have OCD and it's truly a curse. Having to constantly redo tasks just to prevent something “bad” from happening. It truly controls your life


I have OCD and I hate it. Only after graduating high school did I get over some things, which made me very happy.


Thank you for actually spreading awareness on what OCD actually is


I understand this is about OCD but every disorder turns your everyday life into pure torture


OCD is not only severe extremes like this! It can be intrusive thoughts or vocal stims/patterns. OCD isn’t just being clean, many people with OCD have messy homes because they are unable to properly clean.


I have OCD. It's like thoughts that you NEED to fulfill. It feels like I'm a slave to this urge I'm hearing about. It's pure hellish.


My sister had chronic OCD. She was horrified of fire alarms (mostly related to her autism and being incredibly sensitive to loud noises). Because of this, she would check the furnace room to make sure a fire wouldn’t start. She would check it about 200 times a night, and get at most 30 minutes of sleep. After a lot of therapy, she recovered. But that was one of the worse times of her life…


I suffered from sever OCD in my teens. It got to the point I couldn't move from my bed and just cried because there were so many routines and every single one of them had to be done right or otherwise I had to start all over again. It got so exhausting. I couldn't enjoy anything.


My mother had this but with therapy she is a lot normal and now she lives freely, thanks to focus on mental health nowadays


I had a friend who had OCD real bad, controlled his life for years. He eventually got a roommate who was a functional messy person and didn't respect the set strict rules. They sometimes even messed with the friends organization efforts for fun. About a year later and the 1st friend doesn't suffer from OCD anymore, the roommate broke him free and he's SIGNIFICANTLY happier. It may seem rude but sometimes telling them "no" and not tolerating their bs is actually beneficial


My mother has OCD. She got it from the pandemic, being fear mongered and constantly washing her hands and doing and checking things multiple times.
Everyday I try to distract myself from it but her ocd can be horrifying sometimes, taking over her logical thinking. It breaks my heart. Thankfully she is improving now and has gained a bit of control back, and I'm glad more awareness about OCD is spreading.


I’ve had ocd for as long as I can remember and for a while went to therapy for it. Didn’t help, and I’m still struggling with it everyday. It really sucks because you can’t do anything without thinking that if you don’t do it, and something bad happens to someone it’ll be your fault.

To everyone struggling with this, we’ll all get through it, wishing you the best ❤


I have ocd and i can confirm its exactly what this man said, everytime somebody tries to fight it will eventually keep on thinking about it while being fully stressed about it and eventually doing the thing you tried to prevent yourself from doing


From my experience with OCD, it is best to try to move you compulsions to more manageable things. For me that was switching washing my hands a lot to taking showers a lot. Even though I still have compulsions and I still wash my hands a lot it's easier for me to function now.


I have OCD and it's hellish. Everyday, every minute, I have these urges to do things or else I feel incomplete or that I'm going to have something horrific happen to me.
Look at the clock three times in a row, if it's even, you're safe, if it's odd, you'll have to do it again but now six times or (let's say I have a test) you'll fail your test.
I take meds and they don't work. I decided to today I would ignore them, it had been okay I suppose. I do slip up but I have been ignoring a lot of urges. If you or anyone had OCD, please don’t treat them less human. Yes, we may do actions repeatedly, tap our fingers on the corners of tables, shout when people touch our stuff, horde and (some people) clean but that doesn't make us any less human.
It's as if you have two heads and one of them tells you every bad scenario that will happen if you don't do an absurd task.

Thanks for reading, sorry it's a lot but it's so complex

I don't really like editing my comments but if anyone gets mad over my reactions to their comments (the insensitive ones) just know it's because it is invalidating. If someone who is really struggling hears they're faking it or other's are going through worst (I've heard both before on many occasions) it might push them to suicide. Be respectful to others, and try your best to be considerate and kind because you have no idea what anyone is going through. And for everyone with OCD or any other mental condition, we all love you and you can make it through it babe, trust and believe. Just keep fucking fighting


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