Introduction to the Tuckman Model and the Avengers

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In this video series, we examine Marvel's movie, Avengers, through the lens of the Tuckman Model. Throughout the videos, we'll deep dive into all five stages of the model: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning. The Tuckman Model is an excellent way of looking at how groups of people come together and is essential as we try to create effective teams in a short period. After all, team building, working in groups, and team management are crucial skills in today's business world. Keep watching as we introduce you to the Tuckman Model and establish the model using the Avengers as our case study.
Here are some timestamps so you can jump ahead to what you need most:
0:00 Start
0:09 Why working in teams is hard
0:54 Why work in teams?
1:45 Introduction to the Tuckman Model
3:03 The Avengers and the Tuckman Model
Here are some links to other videos in this series:
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I never knew there was so much going into working with a team. Explaining it with the Avengers makes it easier to understand as well!


I never realized how often the Tuckman Model is used in Project Management. I loved learning about this. Thank you!


Team work, makes the dream work. If only it was that simple, You are so right on this video!


When I first came across the Tuckman Model it struck me how closely it resembled The Avengers story arc. A quick search turned up these videos which explained and analysed it perfectly and were very entertaining. Great work!


I watched this before we started working in teams and after almost completing the course by working in teams, I know that coming together is a team is very difficult. This was a good introduction to begin the group work. I could watch this series many times and get prepared, but working in a group is very difficult at times, no matter how hard you prepare.


A really interesting case example (The Avengers) to learn the Tuckman model. Very cool!


I'm glad I watched this video, not only was it a great introduction to the Tuckman Model but its applied with something most people can relate too.


Working in teams is extremely complicated even to get everyone to do something simple like agree on a time to meet is a task in itself, but the talents and thoughts others can offer can be so rewarding to the final project and when your team is able to get through all of the barriers of working in a team it can be incredibly rewarding.


Growing up playing sports, especially football, I can see the benefits of working in teams. In sports, when preparing to go head to head with another team, you go through the tuckman model in one way or another by forming a plan, brainstorming, practicing, playing the game, and then reviewing your performance.


It's good to see this model applied to fiction and reality together.


Interesting way to look at the group.. and it's really cool how the writers were able to incorporate it, wonder if it was on purpose.


Using the avengers is such a good example to make this make more sense


The metaphorical "learning to play together well in the sandbox" is known to be incredibly important for the development of children mentally. I have read that the right kinds of relationships can be the impetus for us reaching out next levels of success. I am looking forward to learning with such a fun example like the Avengers!


I didn't realize that the Tuckman model has been around for that long. I have also seen comparisons of these elements used not just in a business aspect but also other forms of entertainment. The process of a team coming together for tabletop role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons can really be influenced by how well the players and their characters can accomplish these stages.


Relating this to something from pop culture makes it very interesting and makes it easier to teach a wider audience.


This video makes me excited to work with a team when normally i am not


In my NYLT leadership training we watched the Avengers. T was awesome.


Teams are great when they can get through the different phases of team development. Strorming, norming, forming and performing.


sometimes it difficult to come together as a team but they can communicate more effectively to have an easier time


"...the ability to work with a team can really be considered a superpower..." *then shows us his batman ring* Haha!

I think working as a team is a healthy thing thing for us to do. I also think whoever oversees these teams can either make it a positive or negative experience.

I worked on a team where our boss was not supportive of us at all and treated us as less than. Eventually everyone on the team were at each other's throats and none of us got along. Our goals rarely got accomplished and what work did get accomplished was done with resentment. I finally quit that boss and went to find work elsewhere. I was pleasantly surprised to find my new work team had a very level headed boss who cared and supported. Even when the work was difficult, overwhelming, or exhausting, it was still a pleasant atmosphere. Someone on the team would send out an email to the department letting us know what they needed help with, and they would be flooded with responses from others eager to help them. I firmly believe this work attitude trickled down from our boss who was leading our team. Bosses can make or break it for us! And bad teammates will eventually weed themselves out...
