Episode 2: Women in STEM with Professor Rhea Liem, hosted by Hrishita Shyamsukha
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In this episode, Hrishita and Professor Rhea exchange perspectives on the lack female representation in their academic field – Aerospace Engineering. They also discuss the comparably few women who seem to pursue STEM in regional universities in general. Though this was the initial focus of this episode, their conversation touches other related themes including the importance of a supportive family, finding relatable role models, and even inspiring other girls to follow in STEM.
Hanging in the Imbalance is a student-led podcast by undergraduates from HKU and HKUST that discusses gender issues in Hong Kong through an intersectional lens. New episodes out every Wednesday on YouTube and all major podcast platforms. Follow us on Instagram @hangingintheimbalance for more updates!
Hanging in the Imbalance is a student-led podcast by undergraduates from HKU and HKUST that discusses gender issues in Hong Kong through an intersectional lens. New episodes out every Wednesday on YouTube and all major podcast platforms. Follow us on Instagram @hangingintheimbalance for more updates!