The New Mathematics

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This is The New Mathematics by Irving Adler. This book contains a lot of advanced mathematics.
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Irving Adler also wrote a great introduction to group theory called "Groups in the New Mathematics". Hard to find, but a great book as well.


Irving Adler wrote several very graphically pleasing elementary math workbooks in the 70s.


Another good book is "Calculus Made Easy" by Martin Gardner. It would go well with this book and complement it completely. Most contemporary math could be mastered with these two books. Just need additional practice exercises from bigger books maybe. ❤


Congratulations on 1M subscribers TMS. Well deserved professor.


I purchased this book not that long ago! Awesome that you have it!


This book and its sequel "Groups in the New Mathematics" were, more or less, the foundational texts for the New Mathematics movement. They are extremely clear and readable; they both make abstract algebra (groups, rings, fields, number systems) accessible to the non-academic mathematician, especially to high school math teachers.
People love to trash the New Math movement, but it was (and remains) the only time math was taught to middle and high schoolers with the goal of having them actually understand what they were doing, rather than just memorizing opaque algorithms.

In the 1950s and 1960s Adler was also black-listed from his job as a math teacher and principal in the New York public school system, because he refused to sign the "loyalty oath" that was demanded by the superintendant. He was fired in 1954 (after losing a US Supreme Court case that bears his name: Adler vs. Board of Education), but reinstated in 1967, when the US Supreme Court reversed itself and declared "loyalty oaths" unconstitutional, in Keyishian vs. Board of Regents.
(One of the hidden reasons conservative educators loved to trash New Math was that they also saw it as "left-wing pedagogics".-- Let's be clear: these were people who saw even John Dewey as "left-wing".)

I would defend Tom Lehrer here, however. He just knew how to put together a hilariously funny song. (And when he taught his course on mathematical modeling in the social sciences at UC Santa Cruz, he often used techniques from the New Math movement.)


Congratulations 🎉 on 1 million subscribers


Read it when I was 16 and also the fascinating "Thinking Machines" by the same author back in the 60's, both recommended by our math teacher. Still have them


We had SMSG math in elementary school. Sets and concepts before we could really learn to add and subtract. I still can’t do basic math, but I can do algebra and calculus. Go figure…. (One of the main proponents of new math was at Stanford. I lived in Palo Alto)


When I was little, I got particular delight from two of the Adlers’ books in this series: The Stars: Steppingstones into Space and Magic House of Numbers. This one might have been a bit above my level… or might have raised it.


Does this book belong to the philosophical current of "New Math" in 1960s math education?


Thankyou i am preparing for cat exam.pleae suggest good algeebra book for it...


How often Do you try to learn new mathematics?


Irving Adler sounds like a name that would be a love interest of a genius woman named Sherry Holmes.


Make a review of The Book "Thinking Physics" Lewis Carroll Epstein


You talk nice about oldies. Me too a bookworm, math nerd and oldie lover. But one thing you do really pains me a lot. You dont handle the old baby as it deserves. You spread it a lot wider, press and hold it wider. Sometimes the pressure might break the spine. So handle it delicately. 😒


Can you talk about how to become a mathematician who discovers things not just to teach, and why that the productiveity of mathematicians and physicists has become almost nothing to the old days.


Hi Math sorcerer please i really need your help ive sent out multiple emails to you


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