Roy isn't Evil | DHMIS theory

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Roy has been a phantom of a character since his introduction in DHMIS 2 - Time, but is he really the villain that most viewers make him out to be? In this video, we find out the truth about Roy.

Hi, I'm Omar Abdelhamid, a 13 year old aspiring Film-maker from New York.
I hope you subscribe and join me on my journey to make awesome stuff and do awesome things.
Cheers friends!



Stuff In the Video!
Gear : Olympus Stylus
Canon Rebel
Manfrotto Tripod
Green Crayola Poster Board
Blue Snowball Microphone
Have a Wonderful Life!
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They are in a madhouse yo and the red guy was the first to break free. He was always the most skeptical and when he was able to see through what was going on it blew his mind. He then tried to call the house and break his friends out of the craziness and the bird was trying to but they killed him for trying to escape


Dhmis is coming out on June 19th! See you all then ( subscribiddidoo to ready your body for my final DHMIS theory !)


I’ve always interpreted the end of DHMIS 6 as Roy pointing to the plug to get Red Guy to end it all. If anything, I think he did send his son to “Punish Land”, but he realized things were going too far and that it had to be stopped.

So, I wouldn’t say he’s good, but I wouldn’t say he’s bad either. He’s just Roy.


I like this. Roy is just a parent that doesn't know any better and suffers just as the puppets do but he is also contributing to it all by exposing them to the media


thanks for 100k views :)
subscribe to be notified of when my DHMIS 6 theory comes out! SO MUCH HYPE!


0:49 When I saw the computer, I thought Roy was the proud owner of a porn website.


Roy is the key to it all, and I believe he's been misunderstood this entire time...

Here's what I think: Red guy represents one of the creators of Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, Joseph Pelling. The series is an abstract retelling of his struggles growing up without his father, depicted as Roy. That's right, Yellow guy and Red guy are brothers and Duck is their grandfather. Roy suffered from a sex addiction, as can be seen by his internet activity. This resulted in a divorce from Red and Yellow's mother. Due to his absence, Red resented his father much as a teenager probably would. Meanwhile, Yellow has no problem calling him his father, much like a young child still would. Roy's contact with his children was limited to their court mandated visits, which was likely every other weekend. Possibly why you only see him in contact with his children once under the same roof. However, Roy wished he could be there for them more often, which is why he is always seen watching them from afar. The reason he seems so creepy is due to the fact that he felt like a stranger in the eyes of Red. If he knew the reasons for the divorce, this would only be extrapolated as he would view him as a creepy sexual deviant.

The lack of paternal guidance in their lives, lead to them being practically raised by the media. They were also more susceptible to being confused by many concepts that may have been better explained to them if they had more supervision by both parents. It may be noted that you never see or hear any mention of their mother. This could be for any number of reasons. But they are instead, always seen under the supervision of their grandfather, Duck, who is just as confused as they are.

In episode 6, everything comes together when Roy very LITERALLY reaches out to Red. This "re-connection" finally allows Red to "disconnect" the plug and the control the media has had on them. They are now free to "show their true colors", which can be seen for the first time at the very end of the series... which was posted on June 19th... >>>FATHER"S DAY<<< Boom.


But he can be both victim and villain.


I think its obvious after DHMIS6 that Roy is just misunderstood. He helps the red guy, by pointing to the giant plug that enables the red guy to save the yellow guy. I think we're only meant to assume, from episode 2 onwards, that Roy is the villain, and that this is a metaphor for how the media will pick a villain and inspire fear mongering to divert attention away from the REAL bad guys. They do this by showing him looking at porn, and playing ominous music over his first appearance. There is nothing really that bad about looking at porn, really, but this is a subject that the media does pick up on when it wants to make someone look bad. Roy is wearing a tinfoil hat in this appearance to symbolise that he's trying to protect his mind. He knows exactly whats going on. The villainization of Roy is expanded on in the kickstarter video when yellow guy says its his dads basement, but this is never confirmed. In fact the red guy, who is portrayed as being smarter than the yellow guy even responds with "I dont think this is your dads house." This is actually consistent with character, as the red guy is often the one who seems to question the things that are being shown to them.
So Roy is made to look like the villain, and as such he has no choice but to lurk and wait for his chance to act. This is why he's in the background of episode 3, 4 and 5. But he only really acts when the red guy finds the computer in episode 6. The red guy at this point has grown up, and he's struggling because he managed to escape the programming in episode 4, and made it into adulthood without being indoctrinated by the media, but as a result he's now alone amongst sheeple. This leads to him being made fun of, and outcast by the majority in a similar way to how Roy is outcast. This is why the red guy is also seen lurking, in the background of Malcolms worship in episode 3, and also in episode 5. This is a sign of him having this trait in common with Roy, that he is on the outside looking in. So when Roy finds him in episode 6, he decides to point out to the red guy where the plug is. Roy knows it's too late for himself- the media has already made him into a villain. But there's still time for the red guy to save his friend!

We all thought Roy was evil. We all fell for the media propaganda.


For me, Roy has the most interesting character, because we don't really know anything about him for sure. First because he doesn't speak and he barely moves in front of the camera. We dont know his true intentions in any of his scenes. In consequence we know nothing about Roy.
He's peak character writing


Episode six seems to support this theory. [SPOILERS]

Yellow Guy slowly starts to look like his daddy as the episode wears on, with his eyes getting dark circles over his eyes, his hair starts falling out and his nose starts to bend. It's very possible that Roy had been through what Yellow Guy is going through and that's why he's so nuts now--and perhaps he's tried to get Red Guy to stop everything so that he could save Yellow Guy from suffering the same fate he did.


although I am a fan of dhmis, I'm amazed at the depth and philosophy behind some of these theories and debates. just shows how brilliant this series was.


But he says my Dady is a computer, also in the tv show that the puppets are watching, the tv show said DIRECTED BY ROY


Maybe he really is the victim.. He's yellow guys Dad. Maybe he watching over him as well as the other characters. Making sure they're safe, though he doesn't do anything when they get into trouble. Maybe as a lesson? I don't know, this is all just a though. June 19th where you at


My theory is that Roy is the yellow guy from the future. (I'm not sure if this is the video's point) In episode 6, Roy is becoming to transform into his "dad", or rather, his future self. Some evidence to support this, is that he was introduced in the *TIME* episode, hinting at the fact that he may be from the future. Something to add to this, is that there are no other known dads for the other main characters, and so Roy's may not be a dad at all. In the most recent episode, six, Roy tried to stop the red guy from destroying the yellow guy's mind, so he wouldn't become his "dad." (Of course, this would trigger the grandfather paradox, but who gives. :P) As opposed to what "thought" said, however, I do not think Roy is trying to destroy the puppets' brain, but rather to teach his past self, and his friends lessons of life, so once he is done teaching them, he will release them into the real world. This explains why the yellow guy thought Roy was his dad, as he is parenting them and tea


Though an interesting theory, because the series is open to interpretation, I choose to believe that Roy is manny's (the yellow guy) dad and Robin (the bird) and Harry (the red guy) are his best friends. The whole series is taking place in Manny's head who is a young child. His father is a controlling distant man but Manny just sees him as his friend because he's to young to realize how awful his dad is yet. Because his dad is so distant he grows up listening and accepting anything that anyone tells him. I feel that everything that happens is just a metaphor of what is happening in real life. Example: in creativity while the other kids aren't scolded after showing their favorite colors, he is told that green is not a creative color. If you paralleled this to a real life situation Manny could have been told that what he liked to do, wasn't cool, or acceptable by his father or his friends. But It's just a theory, a dhmis theory!!!


ok then how in the one episode the yellow guy said (while they were tied up) why are we in MY DADS basement


My thoghts: Roy is just a random meme in the series.


2:55 full fnaf right here bite of 87'


thanks for getting me out of a prison sentence.
