Be Aware of This DANGEROUS False Teaching! @jlptalk

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Jesse Lee Peterson is a widely known YouTube personality. He has a daily radio show and second show called the Fallen State where he interviews people. Jesse Lee Peterson is controversial person due to his affection for Donald Trump, his criticism of Black people, and his dangerous false teaching. Jesse Lee Peterson also claims to be a pastor yet he doesn't believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Jesse has many errors in his understanding but nothing is worse than his teachings on sin. He believes that we can live sinless lives as humans on earth. This is dangerous because it calls into question the entire reason Jesus died on the cross. In this video, I debunk this false notion and provide clarity on how Christians should conduct themselves going forward.

#JesseLeePeterson #SinlessPerfection #TheFallenState
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Its strange that no one calls Jesse out for his horrible theology! Thanks for doing this video!


LOL....He SINNED the moment he said he does not SIN! lol, God Have Mercy on him, in Jesus Name!


He difines sin as “playing God” which is what he says he never does which is WHY he says he “never sins”. Ridiculous obviously. But he has 1, 000’s of people deceived


Thank you 🙏🏼

Jesse simply doesn’t understand that we’re all sinners from birth to death.

God already knows how bad of sinners we are, I suppose He just wants us to have the Humility to admit and confess that to ourselves and to Him. And He shall bless us. Amen!! 🙏🏼


I don't purposely sin but sometimes I slip up but it's not a constant thing.


Boy I needed to here this one Thank u lord for your mercy


You are so right about this false teacher Jesse needs to repent


Why hasn't leading Black Clergy members addressed Jesse's hateful content on social media?


The way I read those verses, we are warned not to think we have NEVER sinned in our wayward past, since claiming a sinless past would falsely establish our independent perfection and so negate the necessity of the cross. We have all sinned and are in need of spiritual rescue.

But that is different than saying we cannot cease sinning at some point in our lives after accepting Jesus' sacrifice. Do I still sin? Yes, sadly. But is it possible to grow in Christ to a near sinless state? I think it is at least possible, if rare.


Jesse also denies the deity of Christ.


Jesus was without sin. If you are a true follower of Jesus, why is it impossible to learn his sinless ways? "Be ye perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect." -Matthew5:48


Help him he looks insane. Please never try to reason with this man. I know I'd be completely nuts after 1 minute with him. He has that Marcus Rogers look in his eyes.


It seems to me that you are not listening carefully to JLP. Let me explain…

Your first point claims that JLP states that “he can live a sinless life”. In fact he has never said that. He always asks his guests if they STILL sin after being “born again”.
In this case the word “sin” is used as a verb, meaning his guests are actually sinning. Not that they, or he are without sin.

To be “without sin” is not the same as “not sinning”.

JLP always says that we are born in a “fallen state”.
That is to say we are all born into a situation where we fall short of the standard of God, which is another way of saying we are “born into sin”, or we have sin, and therefore have sinned.

The whole point of Jesus’ sacrifice was to remove the sins of those that believe in him.
In this way it is possible to be sin-less. This in no way means there is no sin, or that one is “without sin”. Clearly we can still sin, if we give in to the temptation. But as long as we truly believe in God, and Christ, we can refrain from succumbing to temptation, and NOT sin.

So when JLP asks a pastor “do you still sin”, especially if the pastor claims he IS born again. He is inadvertently asking the pastor if he still gives in to temptation, despite his claim of being born again.

Lastly, when JLP states that he does NOT sin, since being “born again” of the Father (God). He is saying that he stays away from the temptations that cause one to fall down.
He never states that (a) he has never sinned, (b) that he can not sin, or (c) he is without sin. Only that he does not sin. Which actually ties into the point of Christs sacrifice.


To stop sinning is possible. It says to be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect. That's a commandment. I think what Jesse means is he is not his flesh. His flesh is a part of him but he is not his flesh.


The bible talks about perfection and no one can say they have never sinned. People may say they do not sin anymore


Thank you. Completely demolished him. I pop in for laughs but can’t anymore. Today he said flat out “I don’t believe in the Bible. It’s just words of men.” Then someone asked “did you say you don’t believe in the Bible?” Jesse: “No.” then went quickly to a commercial.


You are so right brother. Please everybody stay in the word of God. So we won't be fool by men like Jesse Peterson


Jesse Lee does not believe in The Bible, that is what is the root of all his heresies.


Amen, Pastor Fred, you continue to be the voice and servant of our Lord Jesus Christ in these last days and can you also do a video on discernment?We need to pray for this too.😇😇


Pastor please pray for this man and the members of Bond for their salvation. He is leading many people astray with his abhorrent heretical teaching.
