MongoDB Atlas - Introduction

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Working with data has always been the hardest part of developing applications. With MongoDB Atlas, we are looking at making it the easiest.
Among the many topics we’ll cover are:
Creating a MongoDB Cloud account.
Creating a Free Tier M0 Cluster.
Loading in sample data.
Setting up database and network access.
Connecting to your cluster and accessing data.
Atlas Product Ecosystem overview.
By the end of the session, you will have access to a free and fully managed and distributed MongoDB deployment that you can use to start building tomorrow’s next best application.
Speaker: Philipp Weyer
Among the many topics we’ll cover are:
Creating a MongoDB Cloud account.
Creating a Free Tier M0 Cluster.
Loading in sample data.
Setting up database and network access.
Connecting to your cluster and accessing data.
Atlas Product Ecosystem overview.
By the end of the session, you will have access to a free and fully managed and distributed MongoDB deployment that you can use to start building tomorrow’s next best application.
Speaker: Philipp Weyer
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