Rafiki's Darkest Secret: This is how he Knew Way More Then we Thought

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Rafiki's Darkest Secret: he Knew Way More Then we Thought

#disney #lionking #rafiki

We all know Rafiki as the wise mandrill that helps the sick animals in the Pride Lands and draws paintings of important events that happened in the past. But when we take a good look at those paintings, we see that some of them actually haven’t taken place yet, but were already painted on the wall. So, how could he know that some of these things were going to happen? Were these just fun paintings or do they have a deeper meaning than we thought? Could Rafiki have predicted Scar’s return in the lion guard? And the most important question, how could he know about these things that would happen in the future?

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Thank you so much for this theory everything lines yp and everything makes sense. Isnt it ironic, in the lion gaurd episode paintings and predictions Bunga thinks rafikis paintings predict the future but kion thinks he's chatting nonsense but turns out bunga was actually onto something.


In the lion guard before Kion leads the attack with the pridelanders, Midas’s tells Kion to stay true to himself and not to fight fire with fire.
Simba mentions how Kion forgiving Janja is a noble trait.
Kion pieced it together and forgave Scar and used his roar to bring rain instead of lava to defeat the lion made of fire.


I finally understood the meaning of Rafiki’s line when Simba says “come on will you cut it out “ and Rafiki replies “can’t cut it out it will grow right back. “ Rafiki was joking around talking about cutting out the tree he was swinging on.

But I understand now the meaning of that line. Rafiki means that when someone dies they are not gone forever but their spirit leaves behind a legacy. This resembles Rafikis lesson that Mufasa is not gone but he lives within Simba. Just like you can’t cut out a tree as it will grow right back because the spirit legacy would be left behind in the new tree. Same applies to humans, when our parents die their spirit lives within us. So nothing or nobody can be cut out completely as Rafiki tells Simba that Mufasa lives within him. Even though Mufasa is dead, his spirit legacy remains present and lives within Simba .

Even Mufasa himself says “when we die our bodies become the grass and the antelope eat the grass “ but Mufasa was talking about the body not the spirit


That's the most cool video ever can you do more❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


In America, we call it an English word that makes sense with the character.

Rafiki's a shaman. A person who can commune with spirits.


Before Mufasa appeared Rafiki helped. Simba understand that his father lived inside him before he didn’t know that so his father didn’t appear until Simba understood Rafiki just helped him understand thanks for this video. I love these kind of videos.😊😊😊❤❤


The information is very clear and good thank u!


I like your channel so much my name is seivion fisher I have a autism i like the lion king and the lion guard


Rafiki is very caring and one of the oldest animals in the lion king i hope you make more videos soon i like the lion king my self to be honest


Maybe the lions of the past r still teaching lessons and using rafici as the messenger communication skills between living and dead


thats a good theory. did Rakiki know about the venom when it was scar?


OK about scar reappearing on the painting because they were showing that evil lions can come back the only evil lion that we know is scar. The other ones weren’t mentioned by name so when they’re trying to show evil lights can come back if they draw any random lion people would still assume it was scar so why don’t make it actually look like scar that’s why I think it would be really confusing to see another line there like because who is that we’ve never seen them before.


Lion King 2. Mufasa wanted Kovu and Kiara to get together through Rafiki


Why sarabi was not there in the lion King Simba pride and the lion guard series 😎😎😎😎😉😉😉😉


Maybe the were teaching lessons threw rafiki so he can tell everyone 🦁 ♌️


Also I. Lion king 2 when kovu and Kiara are small there’s a part we’re Rafiki is in his tree and out of nowhere says kovu and Kiara together and the he says mufasa you must be crazy that means he already knew kovu and Kiara were going to be together before the were even adults and was talking to mufasa about it


I know scar knew about rafiki but why didn’t he attack him or maybe he hardly noticed him 😮


Can you make a lion guard season 3 playlist


Rafiki is an Obeah man … in other words someone who practices which craft/high science/ black magic 🪄
