A United States of Europe by 2030 - How would it work?

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Will the EU integrate into a Federal United States Of the European Union? Maybe like the US or Swiss model? Or will the EU develop into an intergovernmental or Confederal Europe? This video will look into what a Federation is and what the EU could do to become one. It also looks into Macron's vision, which is a multi-tiered EU.
8:30 I mean 27*. sorry about the mistake
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Is the EU Democratic
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Research & Sources
Source 1: Brad Cartwright, Systems of Government: Unitary, Federal, and Confederal Explained
Source 2: ThoughtCo., What is a Unitary State
Source 3: Britannica, Confederations and Federations
Source 4: European Commission, Areas of EU action
Source 5: EUR-Lex, Unanimity
Source 6: GIS Reports, The European Union’s Federal Dilemma
Source 7: Khan Academy, the relationship between the States and the federal government.
Source 9: Josep Borell, is a Federal Europe Possible?
Source 10: Politico, Target Germany if you want Russia gas ban, Parliament president tells climate activists
Source 11: Euronews, Two Tiered Europe
Source 12: European Parliament, MEPs begin revising rules on EU elections, calling for pan-European constituency
Source 13: BBC, Russian oil: EU agrees compromise deal on banning imports
8:30 I mean 27*. sorry about the mistake
SUBSCRIBE & LIKE the video Channel homepage:
Is the EU Democratic
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Research & Sources
Source 1: Brad Cartwright, Systems of Government: Unitary, Federal, and Confederal Explained
Source 2: ThoughtCo., What is a Unitary State
Source 3: Britannica, Confederations and Federations
Source 4: European Commission, Areas of EU action
Source 5: EUR-Lex, Unanimity
Source 6: GIS Reports, The European Union’s Federal Dilemma
Source 7: Khan Academy, the relationship between the States and the federal government.
Source 9: Josep Borell, is a Federal Europe Possible?
Source 10: Politico, Target Germany if you want Russia gas ban, Parliament president tells climate activists
Source 11: Euronews, Two Tiered Europe
Source 12: European Parliament, MEPs begin revising rules on EU elections, calling for pan-European constituency
Source 13: BBC, Russian oil: EU agrees compromise deal on banning imports