#ThisIsWhy Abortion is Legal: False gospel

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#ThisIsWhy abortion is still legal: false gospel. The Word of God teaches us that the transformation of human hearts only takes place through the miraculous work of the Spirit of God in salvation. This only happens through the proclamation of the true, biblical Gospel. We have truncated the Gospel in our day and minimized its serrated edge in an effort make the call of Christ more palatable for the unbeliever. We can’t expect our nation to stop loving death if we don’t present the true God with the true Gospel.

The Pro-life movement has failed because it has failed to be fundamentally Christian in its approach.

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God said, in Jonah 3:10, that repenting of your evil ways is WORKS.

And you know that for by grace are ye saved through faith and NOT of WORKS.

You twist Luke 24 to say that you need to repent of your sins to receive forgiveness of your sins, and be saved. But, this statement was made at the end of Jesus 3 year ministry.

If Jesus meant people should repent of their sins in order to be saved then he would've told them that FOR 3 YEARS! He would've told Nicodemus to repent of his sins AND Believe. Everywhere Jesus told people to Believe he would've also told them to repent of their sins. But, he didn't do that.

The only thing that condemns people is their unbelief. John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

YOU are preaching a works based, ear tickling, nice sounding, FAKE gospel.


The problem of "repentance" is that 99% of Christians do not understand the term and thinking that in order to be saved you have to repent aka stop sinning. But this is not the gospel of Jesus Christ, it is gospel at all, it is pure law and we know that the law was there only to point us that it is impossible to please God by your works. If you believe that you have to repent which is to stop sinning, then it is not better false gospel which says if you repeat the prayer you would be saved. Christ is the way to heaven, not our prayers, nor our deeds. So true repentance is changing your mind about that way. True repentance rejects faith that is placed upon your prayer or which is placed upon stop sinning and turn that false faith into putting the trust solely on Christ. In Christ I have been already stopped sinning, in Christ I am the righteousness of God, in Christ I am as holy and righteous as God is.


I don't even have words. Thank God we are free from religion.


Yet another faction that say It has the True Gospel, and others don't. :( Jesus pls come quickly and correct us all.


And this is why I don't go to church.


It’s legal because it’s a women’s right ugly or indifferent only god can judge not man.
