The True Origin of ISLAM: From Abraham to the Rise of Muhammad

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The True Origin of ISLAM: From Abraham to the Rise of Muhammad

What’s the real story behind the origins of Islam? In this video, we’re going back to the 6th century, to the deserts of Arabia, where it all started.

We'll discuss the key moments that shaped Islam’s early history, from the life of the Prophet Muhammad to the rise of the first Muslim community. We’ll talk about the social, spiritual, and political transformations that laid the foundation for a religion followed by over a billion people today.

We'll explore the role of ancient tribes, mysterious revelations, and the incredible story of how a merchant from Mecca became a messenger of God. Along the way, we’ll touch on the principles of Islam and the events that transformed a divided region into a united force.

There’s a lot to unpack—tribes, trade routes, sacred shrines, and some dramatic moments that flipped the region’s history on its head. Stick around to find out how it all came together. If this sounds like your kind of thing, hit the like button and subscribe for more videos like this. Let’s get into it.

#islam #documentary #secretorigins
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Religion won't save you. Only Jesus can. He is the way, the truth and the life ❤


📖 A captivating journey through history! Thank you for shedding light on the profound origins of Islam and its timeless messages. 🌙


Islam's roots trace back to Abraham, connecting it to a rich history shared with other faiths. Exploring its origins helps deepen our understanding of world religions.


Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. The only One true God.


We may differ in religion and belief but that doesn’t mean we can’t respect and understand each other. Fighting doesn’t bring us peace and unity but it can only cause innocent lives. We can stand on our religion and keep our faith while being respectful and accommodating to other religious beliefs. 💖


Yes the origins of Islam was polytheistic, but NO, Mecca wasn't established when Islam evolved from a christian nonb-trinitarian sect, Mecca wasn't a place to pray towards until 500 yers AFTER Islam...


Greetingnoon/Shalom to you in Yeshua's Name! Even some folks have claimed one of the known religions - Islam originating from Abraham implicitly, it was not recognized until after the Resurrection and Ascension of Yeshua HaMaschiach. It was started after 600 A.D., folks! I'm giving Yeshua all of the Glory belonging to Him in Yeshua's Name!


The angel who appeared to Mohammad was not Gabriel it was Satan.This is the master Lie of the devil.
Praise Christ Jesus while you still have time.


There seems to be alot of ignorant and disrespectful Christians and Jews in this discord. May Allah grant them wisdom🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼. Ameen


Fact: The Muslim nation can be traced back to Esau.

While the nation of Israel 🇮🇱 can be traced back to its father, Jacob. The father of the 12 tribes that formed the nation of Israel.

Romans 9:8 This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring. 9For this is what the promise said: “About this time next year I will return, and Sarah shall have a son.” 10And not only so, but also when Rebekah had conceived children by one man, our forefather Isaac, 11though they were not yet born and had done nothing either good or bad—in order that God’s purpose of election might continue, not because of works but because of him who calls— 12she was told, “The older will serve the younger.” 13As it is written, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”

Ishmael is the illegitimate son of Abraham with the maidservant.

He was not the heir of the promise that was made to the descendants of Sarah and Abraham who was Isaac.

Mohammed (the “prophet” of Islam) can be traced back to Ishmael.

The seeds of Abraham have always been at war. The entire book of revelation is about this seed war. Why Islam becomes the one world religion that beheads.

We have Islam today due to ONE act of disobedience from Abraham who did not believe in the promises of God and instead of waiting, took his destiny into his own hands.

You can thank “father Abraham” for the suffering, oppression and pain Islam has caused. 💯🥴

When you think about the biblical patriarchs you don’t quite see their sin and the affects we are still living due to them. You only tend to remember their highlight reels like their faith etc.

When you look at modern day prophets (Abraham was a prophet BTW) or giants of the faith you look for anything to disqualify them even if they live to a higher standard than the patriarchs did.


Lies Jesus Christ is king 👑 he’s the only way ❤


So where does Shari law come from? Did I miss something here? Sounds as if Cain's hatred had he been Muslim survives to this day as ' Muslim Doctrine' in the middle east...O would love to understand this more clearly. Thanks for the early history lesson


Lots of this conflict heavily with actual historic accounts, where facts are mentioned the timeline is way out.


All I got to say is
they say
only speak when your greatness
will silence
this is what
I have to say look at
the four horsemen
of the Apocalypse
at every
Middle Eastern flag
the most high
is trying
to give us divine revelation they say
we have three eyes two
too look 👁️👁️
n☝🏾 One
to 🙈 see 👁️
Come on everybody lets
start seeing everything with that third eye 👁️ that we were all DIVINELY blessed with come on people let's see
the way
the father Almighty
wants us to see
I send you
my sincerest warmest
love n light
n 🧬
may u all be abundantly blessed in all that u do in this life 🧬 ❤️ 🧬

mighty name
Jesus Christ AMEN
Forever ♾️ and EVER AMEN 🙏🏾☝🏾🤝🙏🏾


Why dont yu talk about how cruel he was to anyone who opposed him.
Not to mention the fact that he owned slaves


It was believed by idiots of the past and has been carried forwards to today over thousands of years. just how idiotic is life really for them who have let it happen for so long. we know that they been all claiming the newer god is superior. and so since there is no newer one one since allah then the claim ends there bubba !!


😅😅😅😅😅nkt!!if you mention Jesus, , they fear like rained cats


Man-made gods or goddesses, which we call idols, were not worshiped until Muhammad was 40 years old. What is described in this video is slander and does not reflect the truth. Please read and research the correct sources. And while he was in Medina, he changed his direction not during prayer, but through the revelation he received while praying, and returned to Mecca. This happened while praying. And Muslims responded to the usurpation and did not steal or plunder. Moreover, they did not kill innocent people in the war and released those who taught reading and writing. There was no competition for power after his death. Please read Muhammad's farewell sermon, his last words before his death, and his writings from correct sources. There is only one creator and religion. Just as Moses and Jesus are prophets, Muhammad is also a prophet and what he conveys is the truth. and the Quran is an unchangeable book of inspiration and belief.


Abraham was a true Muslim, he willingly gave up his will to His Lord God 🙏, He gave his intellect to his Lord, gave all his heart ❤️, Love to his, Lord, all his body was working for his Lord, this is a true, believer, a Muslim in action, when he passed all these tests, Allah called him his khallil, a friend, Allah blessed him, and all his family, he built the kabba, with his son Ismail.


Always interesting and mind blowing content..
Thanks for sharing, S.O..💖
