Justified by FAITH, judged by DEEDS

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Yes Jesus Christ is life! I wna curse people that curse me but Jesus says to bless them. I must die that Jesus may live through me!


I have been judged by God and suffered greatly but it has woken me up just walking the narrow path now and waiting for his restoration. Better it happened now before it was too late


“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.”
‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭5:10‬ ‭


thank you LORD JESUS to raise UP a Minister of the Gospel to - EXPAIN - COMMON SENSE
FOLLOW JESUS ONLY ! MAY WE who endure till the end - Praise - + Thank JESUS - asking
JESUS to fill us anew with his spirit - to keep us from - SENUAL Carnal dead to JESUS - religions


Amen. Many of them also think Bible reading and studying is optional, including respected deacons. They serve the building all the time, but Bible and prayer have been neglected for decades. No fear of God.


Amen!! The truth is one that is difficult to understand for those who are not born of the spirit and truly regenerated. Unless we abide in Jesus by no means shall He also abide in us..

John the Baptist finished his ministry pointing and referencing Jesus baptism of the Holy Ghost! Saying repent and bare fruits worthy of repentance lest the axe would be laid on the tree and the tree ready to be cut down! John baptized with water and Jesus by fire’ many Christians are still under the old covenant of unrepentance! Repentance is not a one time act. Titus 2:14

Love you brother ❤️


GALATIANS 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
( And as GALATIANS 5:26 declares:
Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires)
Ive got to be honest here for although through the Holy spirit and fear of God i quit drinking and taking drugs which obviously no christains should be doing, but i am still struggling with a smoking cigarettes addiction, i quit sometimes for a few weeks, or even days and would start smoking again, 6 months was the longest i quit smoking cigarettes for at one point, i know i must quit in order to be living to please God as it is a spiritual act of worship, anyone out there struggling with this problem as it is disobedience ?, maybe ive been trying in my own strength and this is why i keep failing, but i believe in my heart i must and will overcome this just as the Holy spirit helped me overcome other addictions through the years, Glory to God.


My brethren we must trust in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and walk in obedience.
Let's not just be followers with our mouth but also with our actions.
"And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?
" (Luke 6:46 )
May God bless you all and your families in Jesus name! Amen.


That yielding is it the same as surrenduring?


Truth Brother! What is not understood, or what does not want to be understood, is that if you do not do what you confess you believe, you really do not believe what you confess!
There is two types of belief, 1.The type the devils have, who know 100% there is a God, and Jesus Christ is God`s Son, but do evil, and is vain to save! (Sin (doing wrong) = unbelief/rebellion!) 2. True saving faith, that brings forth fruit, unto eternal life. Because that belief is acted on, (Faith + Works = True Saving Faith) and those who have it, do what they believe! (They do, not to work their way in, but do, because they truly believe!) Not only do righteousness, because they believe, but also turn from doing unrighteousness, because they believe! May God Bless You Brother!
