11. Byzantium - Last of the Romans

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On the outskirts of modern Istanbul, a line of ancient walls lies crumbling into the earth...

In this episode, we look at one of history’s most incredible stories of survival - the thousand-year epic of the Byzantine Empire. Find out how this civilization suffered the loss of its Western half, and continued the unbroken legacy of Rome right through the middle ages. Hear about how it formed a bridge between two continents, and two ages, and learn how the impregnable walls of Constantinople were finally brought crashing to the ground.

This episode we're joined by members of the St Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral Choir in London, and a number of musicians playing traditional Byzantine instruments.


Sound engineering by Thomas Ntinas

Voice Actors:

Nicolas Rixon
Joey L
Annie Kelly
Cleo Madeleine

Original Compositions and music supervision:

Chanters from the Greek Orthodox Cathedral:

Michael Georgiou
Alexandros Gikas
Matthew Tomko
Stephanos Thomaides
Pavlos Kapralos

Traditional Musicians:

Monooka (Monica Lucia Madas), vocals
Alexandros Koustas, Lyra (other names: Byzantine Lyra/ Lyra of Istanbul/ Kemence)
Konstantinos Glynos, Kanonaki (other names: qanun; in Byzantine Greek: psaleterion)
Theofilos Lais, Cretan Lyra
Dario Papavassiliou, Santouri (other name: Greek Santur)
Pavlos Kapralos, Oud

Рекомендации по теме

I was asleep while this was playing (found it when I woke up) and no joke, I had a dream I was living in the Byzantine Empire. It was pretty cool.


The absolute gold standard of podcasts—so compelling, I could listen to it on repeat and never get tired of it


The absolute gold standard of podcasts. Can listen over and over again.


The description of everyday Constantinople hustle and bustle was magically enthralling. I lost myself in the descriptions, I could smell the spices, walk past the shops and kiosks selling everything from fruit to beads and rugs. Your podcasts recreate these worlds so vividly.


You literally made me cry describing the desperation of the citizens at the fall against the turks. The smell of the cannon, the vivid descriptions of how it sounded on the wall, the Emperor weeping bitterly. Incredible storytelling ability you have sir.


The depth and quality of these podcasts are astounding. Thank you so much.


This is the 8th video I’ve watched so far, since discovering this channel two weeks ago. What makes you different from other historical documentaries is the personal passion in them. It’s easy to see that through the attention to detail and the focus on subtle nuance of everyday life of your subject matter. At times, it’s very much like you’re speaking in a first person account without attempting to do so.
As a lifelong lover of history, I know how hard it is, and how much research it requires, to paint as vivid and accurate account of it as you do. You have a great talent. Rarely have I experienced content and narration that allows me multi-sensory enjoyment. Thanking you for doing these is all the reward I can offer at this time. I hope to do more soon.


My favorite empire since I discovered it in a Time/Life hard cover called Byzantium, way back in the 1970s. I had never heard of them, except in reference in books on Rome, when I read on and realized that the empire didn't die in 476, but lived on in the east for another millennium...I got hooked! The turmoil, triumphs, defeats, yet persistent way they survived in a hostile sea of enemies, is truly captivating. They were also vilified by many historians in the past as little more than a corrupt oligarchy of oriental intrigue and corruption. Yet in the last 20 years a new rennaissance of Byzantine studies, books and Blogs/Vlogs have led us crowning achievemen in your Fall of Civilization series...the road that leads to Byzantium: Last of the Romans.


Wow, finally consumed this within last 3 days. This is epic, I knew so much about Roman (Western) Republic and Empire but always was missing chronological knowledge about Byzantium. I love the quality of production.


Over time, this podcast became my favorite bed time story. I must've seen Sumer at least 50 times.


In my view, without doubt, the most intelligent and absorbing history channel on the net. Thank you. Superb 🧡


This is absolutely essential listening. Wonderful work, brilliant production


Yes. Yes! YES!

I completely understand how long it must take to put together work of this quality and complexity — and anyone being able to get it for free should result in nothing but gratitude and be worth waiting any number of months or years for new episodes. Still, I find myself turning into a toddler for a little while, getting intensely impatient for the next episode about 30 seconds after the last one ends. 😉


Mr. Cooper, truly your writing pen is dipped in fire and gold! Who needs television when THIS is available? I was absolutely RIVETED by your superb storytelling!
Cheers for a brilliant channel!


Thank you so much for making these episodes! It is always a welcome sight to see you upload new videos.


I am coming back for a second listening a few months after release. Definetly worth it. Thank you very much for the amazing podcast!


I loved the method of presenting wonderful documentaries. I felt for a moment that I had lived in a bygone era. I heard all the episodes of the fall of civilizations, so that I replayed some of them to listen to them again. Thank you.


If I was a history teacher I would play your podcast in class and watch the students faces light up. You have a real gift.


I am totally absorbed by these readings. You have a true skill that deserves being heard.


3.5 hours of Byzantine history? You've ready my mind!
