Saved by Faith or Decree?

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Are we saved by faith or decree? Dr. Geoffrey Robinson joins Dr. Leighton Flowers today to discuss Dr. Robinson's new book on the topic, which can be found here:

Dr. Geoffrey Robinson served as an aeronautical engineer with GE and Rolls-Royce, and also as adjunct professor at several Christian establishments of higher education including Taylor University (IN) and Trinity College (IL). He holds several theological degrees including a London University Dip. Th., MA (TEDS), MDiv (TEDS), and Ph.D. (TEDS)

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I beg to differ that any other theologian I have listened to is ANY clearer than Leighton!! That’s why we all love Soteriology 101! Thank you!!


Excellent - so clear - the jewels in God’s word are unfathomable and amazing! Not simple determinism, but deep truth found in simply believing Jesus at His word!


Great guest! Can't wait ti get my hands on this book. Thanks again Leighton.


Luke 7:50
And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace.


Ordered the hard copy. Basically every book recommended on this channel I buy immediately.


I have already downloaded the book on Kindle Leighton (reasonably priced) and am though a couple of chapters. I know I won't be able to put it down. I haven't seen a better presentation of the history of the great debate (Calvinist versus non-Calvinist) and anticipate his discussion of the TULIP issues will be the same. Thankyou for having Dr. Robinson on the podcast and introducing his book to us.


What an amazing book! There’s no better way to show that an intellectual and spiritual, which is to say human, analysis of scripture is enough to refute the doctrine. It is thorough in its research and it’s reasoning. I highly recommend you read this book …. unless you work at Dillard’s (a Pallman joke for you Leighton).


I've listened to this video 2 or 3 times now. The book is excellent so far and is bringing so much clarity and organization to the thoughts I have and frustrations I feel regarding calvinism. Thanks to you both, and I hope you have Dr. Robinson on again soon!


It seems to me that Calvinists are just the other side of the same coin as liberal Christians like Rob Bell. Liberal Christians take an attribute of God (e.g. God's love, grace, mercy) and make it mean something that isn't supported by the Bible (e.g. that God will not send people to hell). Likewise, Calvinists take an attribute of God (e.g. His sovereignty) and make it mean something that isn't supported by the Bible (e.g. that God will not allow choice). Both Calvinists and liberals believe they're glorifying God by uplifting what they believe are God's most important traits. But they both dishonor God by ignoring what are clearly taught in scripture.


Thank you so much for your teaching. The leaders of my church are moving toward calvanism. They're even changing the doctrinal statement to reflect "TULIP". It is very distressing that I must likely leave my assembly. Discovering you videos has been refreshing to say the least. Thank you again.


Just ordered the hard cover version! Thanks guys for sharing!


I don’t know how anyone that watches the videos on this channel could remain a Calvinist. Actually I do, cognitive dissonance!!


The way Calvinists see God it would not be that Jesus came to save man because God loves man but because God wanted to glorify Himself. That is to say God's motivation to save man is not primarily and ultimately because of love but because of self-glorification. Love just seems so secondary and deprioritized in the Calvinist position. To say that God's love is not primary in the message of the bible is quite frankly, heresy.


It’s true that the doctrine of the image of God is the biblical way to balance out the unhealthy dehumanizing effect of Calvinism.


It’s not an either or. We’re saved by grace through faith, and that was GOD’s decree


Sir Leighton Flowers, the godfather of provisionism.


We are condemned by our representation as seed of Adam, but praise God, we are also justified by our representation in Christ Jesus.


Pastor, can you make a Bible with Footnotes that expose the calvinist lies? I would buy it :- )


Leighton, it appears to me that the calvinist gospel of salvation is "God will MAKE you believe in Christ IF you are pre-selected", that seems to be quite different than the Gospel spelled out in the Bible. is that what calvinists essentially teach? if so, would they qualify for the condemnation in Gal 1:6-10? and if so, can they be considered brothers and sisters in Christ?


Should check out Matthew W Bates on this topic. He’s a patristics scholar and his take on Ephesians 2:8 was eye opening for me.
