NASA's 'Hidden Figures' honored

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The women who helped NASA launch the space race were honored in a Congressional Gold Medal ceremony today. Called the "Hidden Figures," they played a pivotal role from the 1930's to the 1970's, but remained largely unknown. NBC News' Gabe Gutierrez has their remarkable story.

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It's about time the ladies deserve it and their families should be very proud. I know they were and I know they are and I know that the family they have right now at this period of time are very proud of they're, hopefully they're their parents are whatever hopefully they succeed. Also, as a great momento of the hidden figures, it was a beautiful movie, made me cry. It just shows that the African Americans came a long way and let me tell you something they should be proud. They had the first black President, the first black mayor of the City of Chicago and a lot of the high school's black high schools. Are a high-grade education and with there? The approval is coming out of there. I know black life matters but stop shootand hit the right person. I shouldn't have said that. I should delete that, but you know what I'm talking about. You are injuring yourselbe proud of your inherited. Like the Mexicans, the puerto ricans the whites the Chinese.
The Russian Americans and all the immigrants that come here. They come to seek a better life. Show them the way everybody and please stop the hand let's start treating each other. The way we should be treated has been rough for everybody. I am a hospanic and I am very proud of my heritage. Everybody should be proud of their heritage and succeed the best the way they know. How I cannot Express myself as much stop? Theat each other better guess what the Lord? What 1 from all of us? God's sacrifice himself on the cross for our sins.
And if you remember seeing that movie.
I have forgotten the name of the movie. But you know which one I'm talking about. When God took that.
Beating that movie also Cry sincerely yours Let's update our lives to a better life😢😢😢😢😢😢


Their names are now etched into the roots of human space exploration, just as they should be.


Just in case you didn’t know the distance from Earth to the moon: 238, 900 miles!


Wanna know what took that famous picture of the Earth from the moon: a satellite with a camera on it. It darn sure wasn’t an astronaut with a camera from the surface of the moon.


Why are the comments turned off on the YT nasa page ? Because of ppl like me who tell them: you can’t grift me, I know you’ve never been to moon. We were supposedly on the moon Mid December 1972 yet haven’t been back since. Why ? We got better technology each passing year past 1972 to now almost 2025 so if we 🇺🇸 really went to the moon, then how come we haven’t been back if we really went ? You gotta make it make sense NASA. Right now in real time it doesn’t make any sense.


The movie Star Wars is always about the Death Star just like with NASA it’s always about going to the moon, but they never go! The mission that really isn’t a mission because they have never one time in the history of man been to the moon. It’s a grift.