People are freaking out about The Flash underperforming, but the truth is...

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After months of Warner Bros. trying to convince everyone that The Flash was going to be the greatest superhero movie of all time, it finally dropped and it turned out it was just… fine. Some people have enjoyed it, but it just isn't getting anywhere near the numbers the studio had hoped for, and some are saying this is a bad sign for superhero movies overall. But the truth might not actually be so bad!

💭 Have you watched The Flash yet? If so, let us know what *you* thought about it in the comments! Loved it? Hated it? Just kind of meh?

#TheFLash #TheFlashMovie #WarnerBros #EzraMiller #DCEU #NewMovieReleases #Flop #Underperforming #Superhero #SuperheroMovies #Spiderman #SpidermanAcrossTheSpiderverse2023
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Maybe people don't want to watch a criminal playing superhero...


Superhero movies have finally entered into the "50s Westerns" level of oversaturation. There was a time where people would check out superhero movies "just because", usually because they've all been relatively great quality. But with SOO many misses than hits in the past few years, people are starting to be more selective with when they decide to go out and watch it in theaters.

Superhero movies aren't dying, but audiences are getting smarter on detecting cash grabs or phoned in efforts to decide on what they're willing to watch.


It's interesting. DC can scrap a finalised Batgirl film, but not a film were the lead actor has committed multiple crimes. Or a film where the actress is a domestic abuser (aquaman 2).
It's interesting


Call me crazy, but maybe people didn't want to support a film starring an abusive groomer.


The executives at DCEU fired Henry Cavil but kept Ezra Miller. Let that marinate.


Are you joking? They ignored the fact that their main protagonist’s actor has well documented accusations of child grooming, not to mention all the other shenanigans they’ve been up to, and they’re SURPRISED the movie flopped? It has nothing to do with how good or bad the movie is Ezra should NOT have kept the title role.


Studio's need to realise that audiences aren't willing to spend their money to support terrible people. I, and most people I know, would have watched this movie if Ezra Miller hadn't stared in it.


"Try making a movie that's actually good" has been the DCEU issue in a nutshell. They've been trying to speed through a catch up to the MCU without any of the groundwork and it's shown every step of the way. The WB execs are notorious for being the ones who pick 1 thing out of a successful movie (never the writing) and say "Make a whole series of movies out of THIS" without doing any of the work to figure out what actually made the successful project successful.


How did the Take miss the actual take from all this? Unlike the fake outrage people tried to stir up over Captain Marvel and Brie Larson being unlikable - this is literally the embodiment of someone being actually unlikable because they have done morally and legally questionable things to others. This is what that looks like.


Part of it is everyone being well over Ezra Miller years ago and not wanting to support them in any way.


The flash flopped because the dcmu is in complete shambles. Imean, why would i bother getting invested into a version of the flash, who happens to be my favorite superhero so i may just be biased, that is just going to get retconned in the next movie?


Your 'take' is lukewarm for ignoring the biggest reason this film flopped. Check your comments and re-access, thanks.


Yeah, I’m not seeing any movie starring Ezra Miller. Especially considering how the studio/executives have not only glossed over their horrible behavior, but have been praising them since.


Flash flopped because the star has been doing whatever the opposite of a PR tour is for the past 2+ years. He's almost wrestling villain evil.

Superhero movies are going to hit a wall soon and other than Spiderman, Thor, and maybe Dr. Strange and Wanda theres really no interesting characters in the MCU and i get the feeling Thor wont be around much longer and maybe Dr Strange wont be either.


But also it stars a person who has committed several more serious crimes and WB chose to throw their weight behind this anyway while shelving Batgirl because famous and money and crap. They really going hard on the tax writeoffs but did they even pay any taxes in the first place?


No spiderman is single handedly saving the super hero franchise, I guess the bi-racial angel image is more relatable than the identity crisis woman beater.


I saw this movie. it was fine.

The CGI wasn't very good, when you consider the budget. (that seems to be a common problem with DCEU)
There were some very interesting ideas, but poorly executed.

For example, Micheal Keaton's Batman accomplished his goal of making Gotham the safest city on Earth, but after that, he lost himself and lost a sense of purpose.
Who is Bruce Wayne without Batman?
Thats a great idea, but poorly executed.

Also, Barry Allen was able to save his mom and dad, and created a new timeline in the process.
Barry Allen without his parents had to learn to be tougher.
Whereas Barry Allen with his parents is an annoying goof, who doesn't take anything seriously.


Horrible lead actor and WB has an issue with scrapping series before ending the series. It's a terrible combo.


People keep predicting the end of superhero movies but there's no reason to believe that. I first heard about superhero oversaturation in 2007 after a couple of bad years. Then Batman Begins and Iron Man came out the following year. It wasn't true then and it's not true now.

If Marvel is struggling, it's because they're basically rebooting their universe. The two main characters from the the first 3 phases (Rogers and Stark) are gone and they're introducing new characters and moving others around. There's isn't yet an overarching narrative that brought people into theaters like the infinity stone saga. There was always going to be a downturn after End Game.

With a few exceptions, WB and DC have made just about every wrong move in their efforts to create something that people want to watch. Maybe it's just me, but the two things that Zack Snyder did that I liked was 1) a more serious tone than Marvel (I like Marvel but I don't need another MCU), and 2) the cast (except for Miller, who seemed miscast from the start.) I'll probably go see Aquaman 2 and then I'm done. I don't trust that WB/DC cares about the movies or the audiences.


Well, good thing is that this just destroys any possibility of Ezra Miller returning in James Gunn's reboot
