Making homelessness illegal just pushes people to other areas.

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Cities all over the country are making homelessness illegal yet not providing support for homeless people to get out of homelessness. For example, Los Angeles is now pushing massive criminalization laws banning homeless people in areas throughout the city. Steve says making homelessness illegal will just move homeless people to other parts of the city, doing nothing to end homelessness, and he's right.
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It costs money to get a job. You need an address, clean clothes, good hygene, transportation, food( for energy), a good night's sleep, an ID... There's so much we take for granted.


I don't understand...the very system that makes it so easy to become homeless (by losing a job, getting sick or falling into dire circumstances)...then criminalizes the very homelessness it caused and dehumanizes the very real people within it. This is truly the height of pure wickedness. 😢


Cities get tons of money to deal with the growing issue of homelessness and they waste it on crap. I know a shelter that gets millions of dollars of donations and has people sleeping on prison cots, in warehouse like rooms, serving donated food. All while charging people to sleep there, and locking up people's cigarettes. And before you eat, a security guard gets up and lectures the unhoused like children. Local government should be held accountable for how they treat the homeless. City waste employees scooping up everything the homeless have should be illegal. We need a move in legislation, more funding for mental health, and affordable housing options.


lazy people and junkies always have an excuse


2018 it’s 2024 there’s no way you couldn’t find a job since then if you really wanted a job you would’ve had one it’s just easier to be homeless and do nothing all day and do drugs


You never know a person situation they can have a felony or just struggling financially I'm in this situation myself


Not having a mailing address can keep you from getting a job and even an ID.


I’ve lived on the street, if you don’t have a fixed address you can’t get a job. Ffs Why do people act like it’s so easy! Big love to all my brothers and sisters on the street! ❤️❤️❤️


My dad died homeless in December 2009, he refused our help and it broke my heart. He died of hypothermia after he was hit in the face while drunk. He has a concussion and while walking back to camp he fell off the overpass into a pond and passed out. It was snowing. His dog stayed with him the entire time. Homeless are people, homeless have families who they might not realize love them. My dad missed my entire life from ages 4-21 and we reconnected for a short time from 2008-2009 and then he died. It’s hard to pull yourself up once you’re living in that life.


The problem is that moving into an apartment may cost almost $2000.
The problem is that many homeless people are unable to keep a job due to mental illness.
The problem is that many homeless people took drugs last night to dull the pain of the freezing cold, or to ease their hunger pains, or to drown out the pain of having been raped again, or to forget past traumas, or to hide from horrible fears and worries and sorrows.
The problem is that many homeless people are worn out and dog tired from hauling all their stuff everywhere with nowhere to sleep/rest.
The problem is that many homeless people got beat up last night.
The problem is that many homeless people have chronic illnesses, injuries, chronic pain, diseases, foot ulcers, and toothaches.
The problem is that many homeless people feel shame and low self esteem and despised.
The problem is that many homeless people do not have sufficient access to showers and laundry facilities.
The problem is that many homeless people are hopeless and have given up.


Please give this group a real home and.oppertunitys to move forward in Jesus name Amen🙏


The situation for so many around the world is dire, here in Vancouver Canada the numbers grow month after month, we must help any way we can.


I have been trying to to get a valid ID & a job but that’s alot easier when you have a apartment/ house & have money to take the bus back n forth so between the two it’s not easy & these agencies that say they help but they pick n choose who they want to help & how much and all the rest have to suffer like we do not matter & the whole world judges is from afar without helping us


To all the people saying it easy, live on the streets for 6 month and tell me it’s easy. ✌️❤️


I’ve been homeless it’s no picnic the worst part is my own family turned me away.


They should take the empty lots in the cities and fill them with rows of donated old broken down cars, vans, trucks and campers. Have an electricity outlet at every vehicle, so they can run an extension cord into their vehicle.
Have a heater fastened to the top of every vehicle with a wire guard around it for safety.
Have some picnic tables set up.
Have plenty of dumsters and portable toilets or build some bathrooms for flushing toilets.
Do not allow garbage or junk outside the vehicles. Every evening all junk and garbage to be hauled to the dumpsters.
Should have multiple sites like this.
It is far better than tattered tarps and cardboard and garbage downtown
With people sleeping in the dirt and freezing and their blankets and clothes rained on snd moldy.
It is far more humane and hygenic.
People would have a place to sleep and put their belongings. They would have a place to use the bathroom.


It's also not always that easy to just get a job and get housing. And getting on housing can take years.


WHERE is this ?? To make homelessness illegal, they need to be given options first, that's just plain logic, it would seem.


From my experience, it takes on average FIVE weeks for you to receive funds from a new job: when you get a job offer, most companies won't have you begin until at least 2 weeks out. Then you have your first 2 weeks of work, and then 1 week after on the next Friday payroll will give you your first check. That's way too long for a homeless person to wait.


God bless this man, you can tell he is a deceant guy
