Vampires, Anne Rice, and Jesus - Full Episode: 1414

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No one does life and death, lovers and vampires, quite like Anne Rice. Just ask any of her legion of readers- they aren't hard to find. Rice's novels- including the celebrated VAMPIRE CHRONICLES- have sold upwards of 100 million copies. Having covered an eclectic mix of Gothic fiction, Christian literature, and erotica, Rice says she loves Jesus, but has removed herself from the church.

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Good writing is good writing. And I've always loved the way Anne writes.


I absolutely love to hear this lady talk ...


I have this friend who is a French Bohemian Gypsy who relayed an experience where she  fought with a demon.  She also knew the Bible quite well and believed from certain Bible chronology in Daniel that there was a war in heaven in the year 1914 where Satan and Jesus battled and Satan lost the war and was cast down here to the earth which is why things have been so crazy from World War 1 until now.  Quite fascinating info from a fascinating lady and she reminds me of Anne Rice a lot.  Wow, it really is true the saying--"How often art imitates life!"


Anne handled Lorna very well. I was impressed and glad to see that.


No one does life and death, lovers and vampires, quite like Anne Rice. Just ask any of her legion of readers- they aren't hard to find. Rice's novels- including the celebrated VAMPIRE CHRONICLES- have sold upwards of 100 million copies. Having covered an eclectic mix of Gothic fiction, Christian literature, and erotica, Rice says she loves Jesus, but has removed herself from the church.


Love Anne and I find her perspective on faith very intriguing. I think it is healthy to question the church; I don't believe bowing down to a religious body without critical thought is right. If you look at history, the only reason Christianity exists in American as it does is because the British were doing just that of the Roman Catholic church. Churches, as history shows, are not infallible institutions.



God Bless you for the massage I receive in the interview


The story isn't about LeStat being immortal.... it's about God making him human. A true immortal would never care about mortals... that is why Jesus cares about us... he was human.  I see LeStat and Jesus the same.... welcome to my life... where I'm trying to comfort my Aunt in her Cancer diagnosis.... I went to Florida with my wife, Angela, and visited Guy's Fountain... when we walked in, we sat at the bar and I asked if Wes Stoeffler owned the place and a voice said "yes I do." I had walked past my Uncle Wes three stools from me and didn't recognize him... why? Even at that time, he was wasting away in my eyes 6 months before he even knew...
I'm grateful for that last time with him but I kept my concerns to myself... now I wish I hadn't. Not that it would have made any difference but I knew he wasn't well... 
I didn't shed tears at his funeral... I shed no tears at my Grandma Martha Stoeffler's funeral... why? If my Grandmother wasn't in the bosom of God then I knew none would ever be... the most tears I ever shed at a funeral was for Rufus Stoeffler... think about it. 
Now, I give my best Bible lessons to you my Aunt Mary if you want them or not.... let's share... 
I spent March 2009 to August 2009 with my Dad for hours every day in his MOST LUCID hours ever in his life. On 2:58pm central time on November 2nd, 2009 I held my Dad's hand and whispered that I would take care of Mom... at 3:03 as I was making a sandwich he took his last breath and Mom came screaming to me. I comforted her and told her I would be here for her. My Dad died a born again Christian regardless of his Athiest past... did you see me shed one tear at his wake?  Even when given the 21 gun salute? I tell you this because I think you really need to visit here soon or I may have to visit you regardless of health needs... My friend Tam in Panama City wants me to visit... guess I'll hit Palatka soon after.
Your nephew with all love,


King James was. A



Her statements around 18:40 are very "post-modern." In other words, writing about dark and evil is somehow now "the good." So black is now the new white. Perhaps to say this is diabolical is going too far, but it is certainly very confused.


I have read a whole lotta Anne Rice and hated much of it


HTbloodlines. Live. On. 222. BIBLICAL revalation of man ..🧛‍♂️😎
