Why do we talk to customers the way we do? Pete, Head of Customer Experience

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Pete, Head of Customer Experience at Octopus, explains why we sign off emails with 'Love and power', greet customers by their first names, crack the odd naff joke and generally aim for simple, friendly communication at all times.

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Everytime I've spoken to octopus staff they've been great.
I'm a really happy octopus customer!


While I like the approach, I've had a testing time with Octopus where the "computer says no". That is the human side of each operator understands the challenge, but they have no autonomy and have to abide by the T&C's. Specifically, I am talking about joining Octopus Go for the 15p/4p tariff, yet the smart meter install failed to send the gas readings, and further visits stopped both readings. Eventually, the last visit 6 months into the contract, the readings now send. Each engineer explained the failure pertained to the install process between Octopus provisioning and the contractor. The action of Octopus not receiving the reading never triggered a proactive fix, I had to request all the way. Incidently attempting different channels, Twitter, phone, email and response's to "how good are we?" the Octopus CRM appears to be fragmented. I have asked how I'll be charged for electricity for the non reporting period, and told 18p... not 15p or a blend of 15p/4p, I protested at the most it should be 15p. Almost 12 months after signing up, 6 months after the meter sending readings, I am still waiting on a reply with a logical answer regarding the tariif and to be charged for the electricity used.



I have left Octopus Energy in January this year, due to bad customer service, My account was charged this month for the 5 years back for the Gas!!!

I was submitting the meter readings, can you please explain why this bill occur only now???
I would leave 5 years ago if this was a case.
How can I budget my spending if there are hidden charges?
This is unlegal and unfair to do this to your customers.

I would love to see this bill removed from my account or I will have to take it legal and ask for compensation on top of this.
I am sure I am not the only one, and this is the system, but it should not be acceptable.

Hope to hear from you soon

Maybe it car reach you here… talk to your customers 😢

I am so tired to wait for another unpleasant surprise from you...


One of the key things my household appreciates about Octopus is the lack of automated systems. Automated telecoms systems are a nightmare to navigate and frequently don't work properly leaving you to have to hold on for a real person anyway; so what is the point of of the automated response system in the 1st place?


Hiya Pete! Glad you're doing well! :-)


Well done guys, I'm glad to be Octopus customer.


I nice guy knocked on my door said that you’d lost money.I educated him he abruptly left


Try to cancel my Sisters phone line! Dhell! Says need Coutt of Protection


Customer service staff lie all the time. My experience…..they’re useless


As the former CEO of my own Management and PR company and with almost four decades experience in those fields, I like what Pete says and am pretty sure he believes it to be so, but sadly over the past year I consider OE's 'customer experience' to be less than fulfilling. My account, A-1F1A513D is with M&S Energy, recommended to me several years ago by a good friend in OE's top management team. On her assurance and for several years I couldn't fault M&S (Octopus by any other name) for their service and attention to detail, quickly solving any small problems I may have encountered and kept me aware of current changes etc., etc., - but this didn't last and I had to involve my Member of Parliament, not once but twice whilst been 'fobbed off' with lame explanations and valueless promises. So bad has it become, I have now been forced to make an official complaint to the Energy Ombudsman and await their conclusions and recommendations to either party, I have no intention of seeking my energy supply from another company and although there will be some who no doubt simply consider me as a 'nuisance customer', this is not the case. I simply want to be billed correctly as was before, see my direct debits actioned correctly and see an improved level of good customer experience in the future.
